
And his joke sucked; what’s your point?

I wasn’t one for playing video games during class, but at my high school an informal games club formed in one of the science classrooms, supervised by a teacher who was enough of a gamer that he was a Lv60 in WoW, and run before & after school, during lunch, and because there were no afternoon classes in that room, if

One-timers debuted in ‘94 too, don’t forget. :P

TBH it always bugged me how Vice City’s soundtrack featured a song from each of the Big 4 of Thrash Metal, except for Metallica. :(

In fairness half of the NFL’s first season were blowouts & shutouts; these things take time. Hell, for the NFL it took ‘em 40 years to get to a state we’d call “watchable” today! :P

I’m Canadian, not Japanese, and as such I’m hoping for the next NHL game on the Switch. The kicker is, even if EA were to do the same bullshit as they did with FIFA and just port a 360-era game with new rosters, uniforms, etc. I’d probably prefer that, because their PS4-era games with their brand new engine just

If he’s supposed to be 50 then he keeps himself in amazing shape. Holy shit...

I mean, I’m a straight(ish) dude, but... no, not at all. :P

I’ve never believed any of his “apologies” for a minute, because while he said he was drunk that and he doesn’t actually believe any of that, he’s also said he’s still a fan of Enoch Powell.

He’s overrated as a musician anyways. “Layla” is a classic (and only the original version) but everything else he’s done is just

It’s at this time I’d like to remind people that a similar incident in the NHL in 1967, where Minnesota North Stars forward Bill Masterton hit his head on the ice and died, led to more and more NHL players wearing helmets before it was eventually made mandatory (for new players) in 1979.

Yeah, because every team that plays there except for the Heat have pretty much poisoned it. The Panthers had one hot run 22 years ago, moved to the swampy suburbs shortly after that and have since accomplished absolutely nothing; the Dolphins haven’t won a Super Bowl since 1973 (and one could argue they haven’t been

Yeah; like, maybe it’ll get handled better in-game? Like, The Crying Game is infamous at this point for having a similar moment, but from what I remember its portrayal of Dil’s relationship & character is actually pretty solid otherwise? But to put this kind of thing in the advertisement of the game is kinda fucked up

I remember once having the idea of a game where if you die once, you can never play it again.

I was 12 at the time. I’ve since grown up and realised what a bad, audience-alienating idea that is, as demonstrated by this now-defunct game.

Then yeah, basically Facebook’s awful algorithms combined with dozens of offended man-babies are what’s getting people banned here.

Aw, shut the fuck up already, you stupid fucking idiot. All you’ve shown us in your 24 hours of bloviating is that you don’t actually know what censorship is, you’re extremely defensive about not knowing what censorship is, and that you have no issues defending a self-admitted rapist in the name of “free speech”. Fuck

-Hunter S. Thompson, Fear And Loathing on the Campaign Trail ‘72

I didn’t grow up with the PS1, I was an N64 kid, but the PS1's startup is still my all-time favourite.

White people, tag yourselves: I’m #8

I “play” sports & wrestling games by going into season mode and watching every game my team/wrestler is in. I’ve long since accepted that I’m garbage at most of those games myself, so I get more value out of just spectating than trying to play & getting extremely frustrated from it, plus I find most pro sports video

The team’s trying to imply the team would move to Seattle; they announced they were backing out of arena negotiations the day Seattle announced their new arena project. Here’s the thing, though: most people, I think anyways, see that project for what it is: an attempt by Seattle to get a new basketball team to replace