
Market size doesn’t mean shit if the market in question doesn’t like hockey. Look at Phoenix - 5th largest city in the US yet it’s been a near-total failure as a hockey market. Houston, San Antonio and San Diego are all in the top 10 in population, yet hardly anyone’s talking about expansion/relocation to those

I’ll say this: if Bettman and the NHL are petty enough to try and move franchises out of Canada, the country that gives more of a shit about hockey more than any other, then they deserve the inevitable bankruptcy they’re lining themselves up for.

Shit, hope she’s alright.


There, I said it.

I say this as someone who got into NASCAR in 2001, the year Dale Earnhardt died and the 3rd-last year of what I call NASCAR’s “classic era”: Fuck the Chase, fuck these playoffs, fuck breaking races into segments - all of it is killing the sport by making it needlessly complicated. The only change they got right was

The rest are there just for Jon Bois. :P

All I know about this past GoT episode is that my autistic sister really liked those dragons and was really upset when the one died. Not to go off on too big (or to be honest with myself, unoriginal) of a tangent, but it brought to mind why I lost interest in the show in the early going: why should I give a shit about

Antifa is not a registered terrorist group. Try again.

Considering that “one post” (now two) amounts to “I’m tired of seeing how proud gay/trans people are of themselves”, then yes. Yes I am. I’ll repeat: if you really didn’t have a problem with gay/trans people existing and being open about it, you wouldn’t be complaining about it now.

Your mocking of the acronym suggests otherwise.

Dammit, the one weekend I don’t play Splatoon 2 >_<

Anyways, I’m super happy to see this. Trans/NB gamers, rock on and keep being your awesome selves. <3

It’s true though TBH, we cis people make our feelings known on the subject all the damn time, even/especially when it isn’t necessary or helpful. Sometimes we just need to learn to shut the fuck up, y’know?

Your mocking of the acronym suggests otherwise.

I’m reading between the lines here, since you said that millennials are mostly trending progressive, and I’m seeing one bit of good news: while the Republican Party of the 2020's, 2030's, etc. will unfortunately be loaded with as many young neo-Nazis that they can find, those neo-Nazis will basically be the only young

This entire promotion is trash TBH - awful uniforms carrying a stupid gimmick of a concept that should’ve stayed dead with the XFL. If I was a woman I’d be glad they weren’t marketing it to me, I wouldn’t want any part of it anyways.

So not wanting your unpopular governor to lie in luxury on a closed beach makes you a Communist now? Well, sign me up, comrade! Let’s overthrow bourgeois scum like Christie! :P


Now playing

Yes, please release it already Nintendo, if only so we overzealous fans will finally shut the fuck up about it! :P

Here’s the thing: she’s not wrong. Guys like Carl, Phil “thunderf00t” Mason and way too many others have spent 3-5 years making video after video after video after video about her, most of which revolve around cherry-picking a minor flaw in a video, or even taking something she said completely out of context;