
I wanna beat the kid that called it junk

No PC version? You monsters!!

That sounds shockingly accurate

I love when he says "... So is crack cocaine!" Spat out my water!

I dunno... It kinda sounds like old school fans are whining due to minor changes. It's like hero and villains suits when a new Spider-Man movies comes out and fans freak out because it isn't "traditional".

I dunno, he kinda just seems like an asshole

Exactly! The youth today, am I right?

Yeah, this could obviously have been avoided. She needs to learn what a danger hair fiddling is.

That's a good point, actually. It's really exciting to see what's gonna happen.

True or not, I don't even think a comparison is necessary. Garfield was great, even if we didn't have anyone to compare him to.

When will we reach the point where this is something each person can decide whether they want or not in the options menu? Why should other people decide how much they think you can handle?

This was years ago, but I was a Tenkaichi 3 MONSTER. I took the hardest challenge in the game with ease (and old veterans will know that was difficult as hell!) and I plowed any and all who opposed me. I broke them. I ended them.

Japanimation is a legitimate alternative term for Anime; you can find it in dictionaries. Why would anyone wanna stop people from using a real and correct word?


Wow, what a fascinating opinion. I might just write it down so I remember to share with other people what a strong, independent and interesting person you a...Zzzzzzzzzzzz

It's annoying.

Much like my sister's television that kept playing loudly on the other side of the wall when I was trying to sleep, growing up, I can't ignore it because it is getting to the point where it is insanely annoying.

I think we've literally reached a point where everyone is aware of this very popular opinion, so I suggest that everyone just kinda STOP IT. We've heard it. The movie is terrible. Many people agree on it. Fantastic. Now please stop. Please.

You can do that, yes. But I think most people like to sort of immerse themselves and not just cheat out of the punishment the game entails. Not logging out in DayZ is like not entering the escape-button accessible debug mode in CivIV when trouble arise. You could do it, but it'd sort of ruin the experience.

Everything on my games-I-want list just got bumped down in favor of this