
Holy damn! That's Jonathan from 30 Rock!

Sounds a lot like The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot

Oh dear lord, what the hell is the matter with them?

I think it just appeals to a narrower audience than most funny things on the web, but is really hilarious when it hits the right target. Like... Community, for an example. Doesn't appeal to as many as most long-running sit-coms, but its fans are very intense about it.

Too little, too late

AC IV: Freedom Cry: Just an hour into it

I can only say thanks for the warning. Thought we were done with this kind of bullshit, but evidently not.

Yeah, but him being a gamer (as always) is not really relevant at all.

In all honesty, I found the 1st game epic beyond expectation, but the 2nd someone lacking. I haven't even finished it yet, 'cause it seems like a chore to me. I wanna know the story, 'cause I am a story nerd, but they changed the gameplay and feel too much.

Looks like they are filled with water

Praise be to the universe

Yeah, I'm just gonna wait for the SLIM

I think it is really important to wait for reviews before buying this

I am an actor, if this makes the next statement more credible: he's acting.

I was surprised as well. What mysteries the universe holds.

I am a Walking Dead (game) fan and I approve of this message

As a little follow-up, I actually managed this on my first try, no problem. Don't see what the fuss is all about.

I agree with you, but I'll probably bitch out and start whining after a couple of failed attempts.

I'm all for it; it indicates that they wanna make sure this thing is some Class A shit!

Pyromania, anyone?