
I for one think Patricia is wonderful and it was a great review.

This was more dull than freaky :/ even got my hopes up

Given the Terms of Service breach, I guess it's fair, but second chances lie in my nature, so it's hard for me to agree with Microsoft's decision. I'd go for a temporary ban.

The woman with the glasses make such a smug expression, I just wanna slap her!

We should all be thrilled that Video Games have become so big; if history is any indication, they'll be in the media spotlight as cause for bad behavior for a couple more years, just like - say - Marilyn Manson and the like was, and then we're all clear and have a mainstream hobby.

I actually thought the prolonged death scene of Spider-Man was brilliant. A real quick death scene often makes me unable to probably immerse myself in the situation; you can't really feel sad if the movie just skips ahead and distracts you with something else.


It bothers me a lot that some of the cons, aren't even cons of watching the show, but just punch lines.


I don't think you should look on the ban as a message to the overall community, but more as a fitting punishment for the guy who attacked someone because he was denied gaming.

Am I the only one bothered that the 6-star dragon ball is placed before the 5-star one?

I know this is good ammo, because of the whole "video game violence" debate, but like the arguments against video games, the fact that these two guys just bought GTA V doesn't matter at all. And yet, every headline has "buys GTA V, saves old man from burning building."

I find it very likely that would-be shooters play shooter games. Although it would be for the same reason that would-be drivers would play driving games, and wannabe adventurous play RPG's.

Okay, people.

I think it's great :) Got a little excited

To be fair, they do also "make faces" when they shoot the low angle


These really were the best 8 minutes of my day :)

Alternative title:

I didn't even know I wanted this :O Thanks, Jason! I'd have never known, were it not for your informative, factual and conclusive post title.