
Believe it or not, the Nether Portal sound is actually not hard to make - let me explain how it is done.

Don't be silly. They're probably a guild that's been raiding the same instance over and over.

He holds a solid argument in the whole Adultery comparison though, gotta give him credit for that. Can't say I agree with him though.

Look at that. Zynga er being douchebags. What a surprise.

Finally! Now spread, culture, spread! The other countries must know!

Firing off death threats because you don't like the nazi bar. Does anyone else also sense a tint of irony?

He's just a comedian, it's not meant to be real critique :) just something funny the audience, gamers or not, understands

Yeah, GJ Vita! Lets put that on the fridge :D

What an amazing article! This goes in the archive.

I would've been furious

Star Wars does not belong in Kingdom Hearts >:O Blasphemy!

Why is this not a full movie?

I claim this for my own!

Wrong! I know for a FACT that Hitler DID play Crash Bandicoot!

Well done, man :) Well done!

EA, if you fill our games with micro transactions and money squeezing marketing tactics, I will end you!

Ha! Nice!

God dammit, Hernandez! That's just brilliant!

"I will have your wife tonight..."