
Challenge accepted.

I can’t fall in love again, knowing that in 3 years he’s going to be traded for 2 bench PGs and a ham sandwich with a torn meniscus. I won’t be hurt by this front office any more

“But this is the NHL, where more teams make the postseason than don’t.”

Once I tried to coax one off my outside window sill by gently putting a rake up next to him. He squealed at me, jumped on the rake and started down it for the attack.

omg plz leave

This is kind of fascinating. Does this mean that when Kia launched the 900 that they used consumer experiences from past models to rate its reliability? Because that seems pretty silly from a data standpoint, and bordering on downright irresponsible.

you’re gonna get a bunch of 90s trip-hop fans with your little blog about Portis head hits

IMO that’s a win overall. At least it’ll make the race car relevant to more people, kinda like when homologation was actually required and meaningful (Group-A, for example).

Come on guy. They lost to Trinidad and Tobago. The United States. We shouldn’t lose to Trinidad and Tobago at anything. ANYTHING. If you don’t think that’s at least a little bit hilarious, well, I don’t know what to tell you. If England ever loses to Bermuda, you’d never stop laughing.

Hey found the asshole! Tell me, does your wife still fit into her Jerome Bettis game-worn jersey or has she had to upgrade to left tackle yet?

I could listen to that announcer all day. Just something about the way he says “HE SCAAARRRRRRRS!” is just.. just fantastic.

God it’s good to have that back.

McDavid owned the Flames so much last night he’s already complaining about a lack of public financing for their new stadium.

Not sure you understand that not everyone can afford to spend 600+ on a phone all at once so verizon was the only subsidized option. It’s not complicated.

Hi Cardinals fan! How are you? I already know...bitter and racist.

Dave, I gotta ask, was the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song playing in your head when you found out Jim Brady was your old company’s CEO?

Oooh, imagine a Varsha/Buxton/Jenson Button commentary team.

I do enjoy the entire crew, but make or break for me is Will Buxton.

Tesla should sell this platform with the ability to change the wheelbase etc to fit classic car bodies. Fuck crate engines, give us EV ccrate chassis.

A citizen of the United Kingdom kneeling for the American national anthem is supposed to accomplish what exactly?