
I had two thoughts while watching.

Montero came out bitching after the WS about his lack of playing time. Seems like his teammates are not having it anymore.

Would you call out your pitchers? Rizzo is sticking up for his teammates cause he knows what Montero is saying is BS. Yes, the pitchers are part of the problem, but what Montero did was a total POS move.

Available at!

Aw, yeah, shitty cheap-looking Flash animation from the early ‘oos is BACK, baby!

Another thing to remember:

Let’s say Sid is hurt all year, I think with Malkin, Murray/Fluery they can sneak into the playoffs still. Take McDavid off of the oilers for the year and there is zero chance they make the playoffs. Sid is for sure the better play, for now.

on an advanced search, looking specifically for the phrase “needs new”

Hold on, where are there $500 subarus??

Derwin employee 1: How can we make a decade-old Italian supercar less reliable?

Contest idea and someone get Fernando’s number so we can get him in on this. Cause he has $60 mil a year (brought to you by Honda) to spare on my contest idea.

Universe 6 Saiyans are prodigies lol.
Look at how strong Kabba is. At the Universe 6/7 Tournament he was dominant against Vegeta pre-transformation. Kabba is literally one of the strongest Warriors of Universe 6 without transformations. He’s a war hardened peacekeeper who is on par with Base Super Saiyan Vegeta without

I know it’s probably cheap as heck to crank out, but for a company once renowned for its animation, the cartoons produced for Disney IPs these days look like garbage. The mass-produced stuff of yesteryear (Gummi Bears, Duck Tales, Gargoyles, etc.) was light-years ahead of this stuff.

The Darwin is the most difficult dive to execute.

A friend of mine shared this on Facebook this morning, supposedly from Indy.

Joe Bob: I will help you bear this burden, Cletus. So long as it is yours to bear.

Now playing

The Grable video (the first one) is extraordinary, why/how would you even want that much fire power from an artillery gun?

Nice looking Galant.

Probably how most people screw with skin care products, with eyes closed and hands clenched.

Yeah, no. We​ had to eat your shit for a century plus. You​ don’t get off for that in six months. Suck it, swallow and smile. We’ll let​ you know when this is finished.