The Darwin is the most difficult dive to execute.
The Darwin is the most difficult dive to execute.
A friend of mine shared this on Facebook this morning, supposedly from Indy.
Joe Bob: I will help you bear this burden, Cletus. So long as it is yours to bear.
The Grable video (the first one) is extraordinary, why/how would you even want that much fire power from an artillery gun?
Nice looking Galant.
Probably how most people screw with skin care products, with eyes closed and hands clenched.
Yeah, no. We had to eat your shit for a century plus. You don’t get off for that in six months. Suck it, swallow and smile. We’ll let you know when this is finished.
Shouldn’t you sox fans be shopping at ALDI instead? Where they don’t sell name brand anything?
I totally agree with this. I also can’t blame the guy for accepting every single offer thrown his way right as he retires.
I don’t even care. Seems like a genuinely nice dude. And we need more nice dude news.
Ya know, if a backup catcher from Chicago was going to get unreasonably famous, it should have been Ron Karkovice.
You didn’t really explain why Mattis is a bad person beyond working in the administration. My understanding is that he is a generally good person who is respected by pretty much everyone (except bloggers who wanted to the list to appear as long as possible).
Every single article I’ve read reflecting on this series seems to gloss over a pretty significant point: The Predators found a way to win WITHOUT THEIR TOP TWO CENTERMEN!
Let’s decode this:
I’ve been going back and forth with some friends over this discussion all day yesterday and so far I’m on the side of “well that’s what a sequel is.” Same game, same mechanics (but more refined), quality of life improvements larger set pieces but a new or continued story.
Space Rhino Romans.
I used to live a couple blocks down the street from Grossinger Palatine. Would have been super convenient when my old car finally crapped out on me and had to buy something on an ice/snow/rain/ice/snow beautiful Chicago winter night. But heard too may horror stories so I had my wife drive me to Woodfiled Chevy. She…
Ah, Grossinger Chevy.. in Chicagoland...
Man, that sounds horrible. Which dealership was it?