
He doesn’t get enough credit for being a skills guy - he can spear a guy in the nuts while diving.

It’s recycled from articles about Matt Cooke.

Well, he fucks rats, what more do you want?

Counterpoint 1. Who gives a shit about what he thinks?

The era of both guts and humility, something we don’t see much of anymore. RIP, John. His winning car is on display at the Barber Motorsports museum if you’re ever down this way. Probably at least one of his bikes, too, I can’t keep track of all their bikes...

True story. During the Cubs 2005 season I went to ‘Stanleys’ on a Sunday night in Chicago. They have live band Karaoke and it gets pretty crazy. I walked into the bathroom and peed next to Greg Maddux. Then walked out and stood next to the jukebox and peanut barrel. Suddenly a completely naked man was running up the

The best Ryan Dempster story is when he stayed at Fenway pitching batting practice to fans until 3 am after the Sox won the World Series in ‘13




I still can’t understand the vitriol this man inspires in the left-wing circles of sports analysis. We can all agree that this is a spectacle, a money grab, or a waste of time. We can agree that Tebow is attempting to maintain relevancy, and by extension, a steady income. It’s a joke. But the vitriol is...slightly

I just wish we got more stories of a Golden Age Superman, who isn’t a god in his super powers, just a super man, who isn’t tangled up in a web of continuity with Batman, Justice League and all the cross-event comics.

I want to love it because clearly it loves Superman, but I’m put off by the of him being derivative of someone else. If you’ve never read the “It’s Superman” novel by Tom DeHaven which gives him a girlfriend who’s actually a costumer in 30's era Hollywood to explain the outfit (don’t worry, he and Lois are on a

Keeps me from most

With a damaged grille!

this is from the live team, so it should be free

Sharpy as a Star is still so wrong to me.

The World Series championship helps the medicine go down.

This officially makes him my 3rd favorite Radek to ever play in the NHL. A few more plays like this, and he might even overtake Radek Dvorak.

How many more soldiers have to die before he’s up for a Nobel Peace Prize though?