
Thrilled to see them win finally! MINI fans, rejoice!

Actually if these are the eps I saw earlier, they make a trip to Korea and you see one of the animators working on the show, complete with character art around them for the outfits that Greg and Steven are sporting.


Lol, you win for today. : P


All of my stars, sir.

Yep—mine’s been hit in the front, too, by a lady who made an illegal turn into it. :( Only minor injuries here. I’m convinced they were built to take a wrong turn at an “exposure” out on a rally stage somewhere.

Is this supposed to be a butt joke?


To the tune of “Jingle Bells”:

Are you fucking kidding me? The sitting Vice-President of the United States didn’t have time to chat you up at a bookstore counter and you’re pissed? Not only that but you selectively remember his selection of history books to be pedestrian, despite the fact that you admit Cheney had been coming in for years and,

F that, there needs to be a stigma for suicide. Unless terminally ill, you SHOULD feel like suicide is wrong. Normalizing it is idiotic.

That’s exactly why this clown is trashing mad dog.

I’m on the fuck trump train as much as anyone. He beat someone who’s - at best - slightly less terrible. He won fair and square by negative 2 million+ votes. Fitting outcome for that shit show.

Let’s move on already. Mattis is solid for this role. Semper Fi.

Yes but because Trump selected him, he must be evil

This is a moronic article. Your point is that Mattis pushed for testing a seemingly revolutionary technology years before it turned out not to work, and he should be scorned, censured, mocked for that? You truly have no critical thinking skills and put the lie in the assertion that Gawkervision writers are actually

But is it grounded to the ground?

Don’t bee such a buzz kill

Hi, I disagree.

Yup, we had Akira, Dominion Tank Police, Burn Up, Vampire Hunter D, and Ranma 1/2 back in those days. Maybe if you were lucky you could find Guyver or Fist of the North Star.

Aren’t we cheerful? The people who are thoughtful tend to be the people who donate their time/money to those in need. His comment is doing way more good than yours.