I totally understand. Thanks for sharing though! They really are adorable. Is the one on the right a shiba mix?
I totally understand. Thanks for sharing though! They really are adorable. Is the one on the right a shiba mix?
Okay, they’re pretty darn adorable. Certainly takes some of the edge off the shittiness.
Looks like the age old adage of flatulence applies to this case, too: “the silent ones are the deadliest.” Did not see this one coming.
I live in California and my ISP’s Time Warner. I used to get a solid 30-40ms ping. It was about 60 when I last played after the move. Not as harsh a bump as I was expecting.
You’ve goat to be kidding me.
OH SHIT! Twitch is catching up to me!
Gore me once, shame on you. Gore me twice...
God damn it, Sega! Do you not like Western currency?!
Yeah, just checked out his wikipedia page. He’s producing the next Charlotte Gainsbourg album too. Pretty excited for what he has in store, though I hope it’s more like his earlier stuff.
SebastiAn fans unite! I have no idea what happened to the guy after dropping Total.
I haven’t been to Disney since I was a kid, but this news has me stoked about my next visit.
Oh man, I’d almost completely scrubbed this game from my memory till I visited the Trevi Fountain in Rome a couple of years back and was gripped by a sudden wave of ‘90s nostalgia. I was too young to really grasp wtf I was doing when I played the game, but it’ll always occupy a unique place in my heart.
Action RPGs are the natural successor to turn-based battles due to improvements in technology. That being said, I’d like for SE to preserve the turn-based battles (mainly for nostalgia’s sake). Maybe add some of Bravely Default’s elements that made it so successful and a much-needed breath of fresh air in the JRPG…
One exception: keep their boy band fandom posts and tweets so they can cringe when they look back at them in their 30s. Just punishment for taking up valuable Twitter trends spots with their dumb hashtags.
No 1080° Snowboarding or THPS3?
Brevity is the soul of wit.
As a fellow Mavs fan, I completely agree. It’s so disappointing that Deandre strung us along when we could have given a better deal to Tyson, who for sure deserves it, or gone after Hibbert or Robin Lopez. Heck, I even feel kind of bad for Wes Matthews.
Do we need another John Oliver segment to get this clown out?
We do care. We are listening. And we will make it right.
Dear Bungie,