
IMO the correct analogy for this is me buying a used laptop. It had Windows 10 on it when I bought it, and I went to “This PC” and it properly showed that Windows was activated.

Close up magic like this is the peak of illusions.  If you ever have a chance to sit in the close-up room at Magic Castle, please do so.

I never had the patience to learn and memorize the routines required to pull off magic. A card magician may have hundreds of different card tricks, each of which require different decks, different setups, or different methods which have to be followed precisely as instructed, not to mention the ability to improvise if

Say it with me now:

He achieved his goal seemingly knowing the effort would kill him, and as a bonus managed to show up Ren as an unstable little bitch. I’m not sure I’d call him a pussy for that.

It was the only possible end point for him. Anyone who has felt the pull of depression and despair when they’re otherwise positive and hopeful knows that a shattering, traumatic event like, say, having your entire temple burnt to ash and your pupils massacred by your erstwhile protege and nephew would definitely drive

Despite the failures of the previous generation, and the victories of the evil and wicked, a new generation rises up amidst dark times, full of hope and the strength that is born when you believe you can make a difference for the better.

Not to mention he was petty, whiny, headstrong, and insisted he knew more about being a Jedi than two of the last Jedi MASTERS alive. Granted, he was correct on that last point in the long run and became much more composed by the end of “Jedi,” but the core of that character is there throughout. Him giving up after a

It took me a while to warm up to it, but now I’m right there with you.

Also? I don’t think he’ll ever get the recognition he deserves for it, but this was one of his finest performances. And I say this as someone who has loved his voice acting over the years and think he’s a tremendously underrated talent. He brought so many layers of emotion to every line that I could not pay attention

Luke being a super cynical old man makes perfect sense to me, so much so that I seriously don’t understand those who are upset that Luke isn’t the idealist of the original trilogy. Yes, he was super idealistic...when he was young, but age and experience and seeing what happened with his nephew have chipped away at him

It’s funny that he’s finally now getting to it, when from the start I thought it was incredibly brave to make Luke be a Kenobi-esque recluse, but without the expectation of someone like himself to hang his hope on. Again, the core theme of The Last Jedi was “What do our heroes do when everything goes wrong?” and pushin

European politicians, with the exception of Great Britain, are generally far smarter and better educated than American politicians.

Ugh. Goddammit Kinja, why are you saving gifs as mp4s?

Hopefully this is good. I miss those old school Bullfrog resource simulators.

It says a lot to me that the majority of people upset by this seem more concerned with the possibility of losing money through loss of revenues than any social concerns. I’m done with Youtube.

Why in the world would you hold something like this over Easter weekend? That just seems stupid.

Yes! Basically David is unleashing eldritch horrors upon the universe, taking a picture, and then saying “Neat!”

MvC3 is such a broken mess. Now that it’ll finally be a dead game (to the few stuck in denial) once MvCI drops, I hope an extensive list of adjustments can be agreed upon by the community at large. I’d love for fans themselves to put together the balance adjustments Capcom never bothered to.

Ok. I would have welcomed this scene in the movie. Dr. Strange actually would have benefited form fleshing out the ancillary characters a bit more.