
Haha yep, I completely agree. Poor decisions all around. They brought this shitstorm upon themselves.

Kirk should have just posted the interview in its entirety. Smith comes off even worse after reading the whole thing, especially after claiming to empathize with fans and then immediately proceeding to shove his “Collector’s Edition is so much better!!!” talking points.

If you’re going for creepy headgear, why stop short?

I’m really glad they reduced the prices for the gear you can buy. The amount of farming needed was ridiculous if you have alts.

Man, that Efrideet Iron Banner was the one time I didn’t bother ranking up. Regrets ever since.

Meet your new president, same as the old president.

Case closed.

Been looking to justify picking up a G710+, which I’ve been eyeing for a year now. Though the complaints about the keys might once again hold me back.

I love Scott Pilgrim, but I’m glad he didn’t fall into the trap of milking his success. I’m looking forward to reading Seconds, if I can stop forgetting to pick it up.

You just brought back memories of co-op Jet Force Gemini. Good times.

What’s the scene titled? The beast with three backs?

I got nothin.

Live scenes from Ray Hudson’s house.

Valve realized the scale of their fuck-up when even the Lord and Savior, himself, couldn’t quell the irate community on reddit.

Seeing kids get their first experience with how capitalism and corporations actually work makes for great schadenfreude.

This is great! The animation is excellent and the fact that it’s all stop motion makes it even more impressive. Kudos! Would watch his toys over Michael Bay’s CGI-riddled mess.

I moved from Orange County to LA last year and the thing I miss the most is John Wayne.

Just in time for the new Fast and the Furious movie! Brilliant!

“Cynthia is destroying our brand,” one employee pronounced bluntly, citing the fact that she and many other employees heard Erland describe current American Apparel models as “too short and round,” and that Erland is interested in hiring models who are “Eastern-European looking.”

I guess you could say it was a