
Yeah, the first-person, 4-directional exploration was what turned me off Strange Journey. Although I really wanted to like the game because I thought its premise was really interesting. If I have the patience for it, I'd like to give it another try.

I had the same initial problem with SMT IV. But persevering through the first couple of hours is so worth it. Such a well polished game and a brilliant example of what the 3DS is capable of. That reminds me, I should go back and revisit Strange Journey when I get the time.

You just always have to ruin a good supper, don't you?

Yeah, no kidding. I was just trying it out to see for myself. This was the best I could come up with.

Congrats! Your submission really made lol. Simple yet effective. Although the first thought that came in mind was how hilarious it would be if the kid's face was on the hat. Sort of like a weird face-swap.

Sorry for the double entry, but I think I'd like this one to be used instead.

Good luck getting through that helmet, Charles.

Porn really isn't enough for some people, huh? I'm guessing he's probably holding out for invisibility cloaks to become a reality.

I agree with that last statement completely. Despite the onus Miyamoto places on innovation, I don't understand how he doesn't get that sometimes people just want to see a franchise updated for the current generation. Especially with franchises like F-Zero and Star Fox that haven't received much love in recent years.

Well, there goes my summer.

That's PSO in a nutshell. But it's all about the rares, man. Once you get that first red item drop, the game changes completely. Also questing with friends makes for a much more enjoyable experience.

Funny story. After they first said it was delayed, I became so impatient that I bought a memory card for the Vita, went through the hurdles of setting up a Japanese PSN and SEGA ID account, and downloaded the game. I was so excited about finally playing. But in all my excitement I did something really stupid and

Probably his first SMT experience.

That's intentionally done to denote demons of lower intelligence and provide variety in their speech. Surely Atlus couldn't screw up the localization for every SMT game...

These guys are bananas.

Every single one of the entries got me chuckling. But if I had to pick favorites, I'd say Menome and Sean Mike Hollyman's had me laughing the hardest. Congrats everybody!

The first thing that came to mind when I saw the picture. Wish the source image was taken at night though. :S

Troy never stood a chance.

Lightsaber Training with Luke. There's money to be made, Disney/EA.

I totally agree. I tried it on a whim a couple of weeks ago and regretted my decision by the time it was finally finished the next day. Damn you Pizza Hut for making me come out of my comfort zone and not going with a regular large pizza.