
I almost had the same dilemma when I first got into the series back in October. But I bought P2: IS and P3P to keep my occupied till I could work my way up to P4:G's release. It'd be tough to go back and play them since P2:IS is more of a conventional JRPG and the changes from P3P to P4:G felt pretty natural. I regret

I hate using the LOL expression but that's exactly what I was doing for 5 minutes straight. Well played, Kotaku.

So in an alternate reality where Borderlands tanked Gearbox would be forced to churn out a good A:CM game. Gearbox's actions are both, understandable and disappointing. Understandable because, of course, they'd put more effort into their own creation. Disappointing because they were entrusted with a project and had a

He makes for a good tank early on but I never really bothered to use him on my Hard playthrough after the first few missions. I preferred letting the other units receive the exp rather than having him hog it up.

Ahhh previews. I don't think I've ever trusted them since I got burned by Infinite Undiscovery a few years ago. Here's Kotaku feeding the hype machine: What's that? A seemingly epic JRPG for the 360? Haha nope, just a turd disguising itself

That title screen fade-out took forever. @_@

That was my reasoning behind purchasing a Vita. I missed out on a lot of stuff by not owning a PS console and it's that reason that's making me lean towards the PS4 as my next-gen system of choice.

I'm on the fence about this. I'd like to get it, but I'd played SMT: Strange Journey for a few hours and it didn't captivate my attention like I thought it would. Maybe it's just the first-person exploration. Plus, I think I need some time off from RPGs after having played through Fire Emblem and Personas 2-4 in a

By the looks of Mareep's facial expression it seems like it's using Endure.

A Rogue Squadron movie would be a-m-a-z-i-n-g.

Slow Sunday morning but thanks for giving me something to do!

EA should use this to entice other founders. "Sell your studio, kick back, and enjoy lots of beer."

I got all super excited about this. Then I realized I'll have to drop 300 bucks on a Wii U. #$*%

Bet it's actually Chris Hansen.

Thank god I was introduced to the Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series for my RPG fix.

Oh, I can just imagine the game's conception.

My key takeway: this article would've never existed had she had the foresight not to stick the word "ass" visible to a community full of tweens.

Yeah, I thought those numbers weren't bad either considering that the Wii U is also competing against the iPad (which didn't exist back when the PS3/360/Wii launched), which is arguably one of the more popular holiday shopping items.

Hey, that's 7000 Wii Us Iwata can count towards sales!