
I think the bigger hurdle is the fact that typing even 140 characters using a controller can be a real pain in the ass unless you have that little keyboard add-on.

What's that? Oh just the sweet smell of Success...being plowed in the showers.

I agree that letting Monster Hunter go on the 3DS was a disastrous mistake, but I still think that you can't dismiss the Vita just yet. It really needs a killer app like a definitive FPS that makes use of the dual analog sticks. I initially thought Black Ops: Declassified might be it but judging by the final product,

Make League of Legends more like pro sports? Their World Championship broadcast had a 2 hour pre-game analysis and the tournament was marred by a cheating debacle. All they need is a drug scandal and the transformation will be complete.

A few months ago I'd have agreed with you. But after being unable to wait any longer for an inevitable price drop, I got one off a guy on craigslist last night. I'm honestly blown away by the hardware. It has so much potential but lacks the support from the software. And the price is a huge turn-off for a lot of

This reminds me so much of Theme Hospital. Oh the countless hours of my youth that I spent on that game.

Training US soldiers shouldn't really be a benchmark. Bilateral war games and training exercises are often used as tools to strengthen foreign relations between countries and as a gesture of goodwill.

Greece has a...military? o_O

You know, just for once I'd like to see somebody not use the "You're Already Dead" phrase for a Fist of the North Star-related title. It's just too easy and too overplayed.