
They got pretty close to the Fiat Dino Spider (which I assume was the primary inspiration):

You forgot one:

Mussolini’s granddaughter is in politics? *sigh* Ofcourse Mussolini’s granddaughter is in politics...

Every single response by Alessandra is a literal self-own, especially since her grandfather would’ve genocided Rosa Parks and the Native Americans according to spazio vitale.

The Europa is ugly?  News to me.

In the pantheon of good F1 ‘tash, this one ranks up there with the best...”

FINALLY! I grew up staring at these, wondering how they could carry loads of rice wider than the truck’s length... Last time I was there was 10 years ago. These vehicles national never seem to die and are still in use today!

The other 2 in the pic w/ Stef & Mario are Alanis King & Kurt Bradley. I gather that the kid dressed like a driver is Colton Herta. No idea about anyone else

Except the fact that one had already been diagnosed with PTSD and survivors grief but yeah.... it doesn’t take a study to come to the conclusion that a mass murder has adverse affects on those that witnessed it and some may be more likely to commit suicide as a result.  

Don’t forget the Cassowary. Most evil bird on the planet.

In a later segment, Bartiromo specifies that this interview had no stipulations.... Surprise, Trump lies! Again!

Yeah, it’s more obvious than ever that the GOP will throw anyone or anything under the bus in order to win.

In hindsight it’s pretty clear that Trump’s 2015 “I like people who don’t get caught” comment about McCain was a watershed moment for the GOP. Until that point, Trump had of course said a lot of horrible and stupid things, but he hadn’t really attacked and disgraced anything that the GOP held as absolute sacrosanct.

His thought level has certainly diminished, but I don’t know if that’s actual dementia or that he’s always been a huge asshole that could never take criticism.

Adding to lackofsituationalawareness’ comment, Neoliberalism is essentially a caricaturish version of hyper-Conservatism and Libertarianism — Neoliberals believe in the free market above all else, to the point where they want to see all industries privatized, all regulations that even marginally reduce profits (like,

In between the extremes of “companies should be charities” and “companies should be free to do anything” is “companies should be responsible”. This Wall Street obsession with short term bonuses at the expense of long term health is precisely what’s wrong with the economy today. Companies aren’t spreading wealth

Neoliberalism is a 19th century term applied to (essentially) “liberal laissez-faire economics”, which essentially means a free market.

The snake will continue to eat its tail until it chokes. By then it will be too late

Lauren Duca (maybe) got drunk at a work party and did some stupid shit in 2015. It (probably) led to her moving on from HuffPo.  Since then, she’s gone viral and moved up in the world, but “everybody” (the media cliques running around on the east coast) still subtweets about her stupid shit. Jezebel’s tired of the

can anyone give a TLDR? I got about a third of the way through before I gave up looking for the thread