
It baffles me how a vehicle designed to hold 90 plus kwh of electricity in it’s battery pack cannot keep a 12 volt battery topped off. 

I agree. The ‘22 rules worked as intended, even with the expectation that engineers will claw back some of the benefit with clever aero. A single team dominating has been the rule rather than the exception going back decades, regardless of the regulations

There is no reason to hire the likes of Gasly, Ocon, Hulkenberg, Magnussen, Perez, Bottas, or Ricciardo over them.

You use words like “deserve” as if there’s some kind of simple seniority requirement that needs to be paid off by simply doing time in the lower echelons.

Another variable is that big names or bigger names bring more sponsor money. Racing isn’t cheap and F1 is nowhere near semi-affordable.

ask that question to yourself, because you seem quite triggered over the whole thing. lol

Sure, bud. It’s the Porsche owners who have fragile egos. Not the vapid man-baby who buys entire companies on a whim (only to burn billions by failing by every conceivable metric) and his bootlicking fans.

Who cares? Very clearly Tesla cared since they invented the story ...

What’s more concerning is that the Cybertruk and well many electric cars, are stupid fast.  Like absurdly fast.  Dangerously fast.  Especially considering the types of folks that will often be driving them (dingbat tech bros).  If you see one of these things on the street, give it a wide berth. 

What’s crazy to me is they could have claimed that the Cybertruck can do a 13s quarter mile while towing a car and that would still be extremely impressive. But it’s on-brand for them to cherry pick numbers and misrepresent what their products can actually do.

someone somewhere would find a reason to be offended”

This is the dumbest fucking....have you seen gymnastics? Announcers can go a whole fucking 3 hours calling it without a single person saying something that will offend this mythical “someone somewhere” you are constructing out of straw and stupidity. Motorsports

Clearly you do condone derogatory or sexist comments as you seem more offended by the people who are expressing condemnation for them than the comments themselves.

If you can’t handle people being called out for saying clearly sexist things that they clearly stated are sexist before saying them, then maybe you’re

Well, the males in the sport are often from rich families and don’t have to face the same types of comments.  But it’s ok for the women because they came from a rich family according to the OP.  That makes her comment pretty much dead on.

Everyone thinks that every female race car driver should be molded after Danica Patrick. She was not only a good driver, but was an attractive model on the side. She was almost as famous for her swimsuit pinups, as she was for her track skills. And, unfortunately, I feel that her modeling almost did almost as much

Appearance wise you can send a message of being yourself, you don’t have to hide what you are (or be less feminine or whatever) to be a competitor and a force in the sport.”

Maybe just don’t lead all of your interactions with gender, and view people as people? You could have just said, “Yes, thank you.” Strike sir and ma’am from your vocabulary and you’ll find you have far fewer uncomfortable interactions. Languages are living things and once they stop changing, they die. It’s our

And even if it did happen, just say “hey sorry about that" and move on? It's literally not that hard to navigate the world treating people with dignity and respect.

As a father of girls, I find this sort of stuff painful to hear.

Ordering lunch the other day I responded “yes ma’am” to something and the person on the other side of the counter scowled at me and sharply informed me they identify as non binary and did not want to be called ma’am. Shouldn’t we preface everything we say as : Sorry, not wanting to offend you ???

Considering these fellas prefaced their comments with "not to be sexist," I think they were well aware that they were about to say something that could be interpreted as sexist.