I guess we can throw that old Porsche adage of "slow in, fast out" out the window. This guy was backing that 911 into the corners like a boss. Excellent video.
It actually wasn't the burnout, but rather the improperly displayed front license plate that warranted the arrest.
I've brought this car up before, but my 1991 Mazda 626 GT Turbo is still probably the best vehicle I've ever owned. How can you go wrong with a factory turbo car built during the zenith of Japanese vehicle manufacturing? I bought this example from the original owner and it was in MINT condition. I chipped it and had…
At least the flames on the hood are now oriented in the proper direction.
I think cops are typically looking for a location that is within arms reach of the driver, so I usually choose someplace a bit more remote.
It's a good thing they painted it camouflage. It would have been totally conspicuous otherwise.
For once, we have a Prius that truly is a "hybrid."
If it was a NASCAR, it would be sponsored by Peptide.
Ducatis will now only be available in silver, and they will change the brake pad chemistry so that the wheels are always caked in dust.
I would probably add a thread chaser kit as well (for when you are trying to clean up existing threads versus trying to cut new ones.)
I have to agree here and say that it is probably one of the most overlooked supercars ever. Ford's decision to remake this car in street trim was astounding by itself, but their execution just added to the allure. While this car is all but forgotten, it is unquestionably the best car Ford ever built. If I had the…
Does it come with a free absorbent pad to catch the oil that drips from the rear end 4 days each month?
Seriously. I hope her name is Rubicon, cause I am gonna tear that up.
Driving is a privilege, not a right. It is a privilege you should be able to lose for life, the same as your freedom. Though, it won't stop him for driving. The next time he gets pulled over, they will just add "driving without a valid license" to his list of charges.
With a fully optioned Fiesta commanding $20k as it is, I don't see this car coming in at any less than $23k. It's a questionable value at that point. Regardless of what they put under the hood, it is still a Fiesta with a $15k car interior, build quality and image. I hate to bring up Hyundai again, but a Veloster…
Anything with that many levers on the center console has to be awesome.