Matt Gaetz would like a word..
Matt Gaetz would like a word..
*Friend, profusely bleeding from multiple points in his head, clearly needs to get to a hospital.*
Jack: Bro, hold my phone and film this!
The Maverick hasn’t been touted as an apocalypse-ready vehicle, and a “beast”, by a raving lunatic bent on selling an over-hyped toy as a serious vehicle.
The Mavericks unibody ain’t brittle aluminum.
Jesus Christ, Boeing.
Controlled? Come on. This is the Francis Scott Key bridge. There should at least be rockets and bombs bursting in air.
You can’t just cut the load bearing ribbon!
The owner is one Gennady Ayvazyan, a Russian coal trader (and probably a douchebag).
People who own yachts did not achieve success honestly.
Man, if only we could get these kinds of lawsuits going against firearms manufacturers, we’d be on the road to real firearm reform. Stall out the legislative process and bitch and whine about the 2nd amendment all you want, if Colt and S&W were getting their asses rightfully sued for all of the damage they facilitate,…
Upvoted just for “fartwit” alone!
Would you be okay if I use “fartwit” in my daily vocabulary?
I flew last week. First time since early 2020. Stopped in Charlotte (guess what airline I was on!) and while waiting for a gate, there was someone screaming his head off down the terminal.
Season 1 follows a male vault survivor, and ends with him coming face to face with his female equivalent from another vault. Season 2 is her story up to the same meeting, and seasons 3+ go full Ross/Rachel.
Can’t wait to see all those Gary clones in Vault 108!
It’s appropriate that this will air on Prime, just to maintain the tradition that Fallout content in any form will always premiere a little bit broken. Other streaming services regularly streamline and update their UI to keep it quick, modern, and responsive, but Prime?
Are you accusing newname of being a token...white? WTF are you even talking about?
Today’s news brought to you by the letters A, C, A, and B.
The suspect has not left the Suez Canal for three weeks.