humunna humunna humunna
humunna humunna humunna
Agreed, Heart click and a #cotd / #cotdnomination for you.
should be: "its 6 amp AC charger gets to work in a hurry"
This is the holy grail of floppy music, it makes the Star Wars theme version look amateurish.
I'm running Watchdog on a non-rooted phone and it's been great. Notifies me when processes get out of hand so I can monitor or kill them if they've gone rogue and I haven't had any problems with it slowing me down. I'd root the phone for some extra capabilities if it wouldn't void my warranty. :( VZW sux in that…
(dang image uploads not working) -_-
Itz all a huge conspiracy by the gubament to keep us down. They is invading ur free speach. I haz proofs it haz been happenun for evar.
Kelly, I am Disappoint. :( This article is shot full of holes large enough to fly that plane through. Which, when you consider that all of the correct information is located in the linked article, is very disappointing (which BTW incorrectly labels it an MC-130J, when it is actually an AC-130J). More-so when you…
Now now, play nice children, no more unwarranted yelling, it doesn't accomplish anything. Seriously. -_-
Agreed with you on both counts. The truck is a great idea, I think the Shock factor of the truck and the way it screams BIG FREAKING TIT might make some mothers shy away from it.
Wonder Twin Powers ACTIVATE!!
What, the words "A mobile breast feeding unit" on the side of the truck won't raise awareness? The big bad breast is just milking this for attention.
The breast on the top is unnecessary. The name & paint scheme are sufficient. Also, getting rid of the breast might remove some stigma that some mothers might have about be associated with the giant tit truck and thereby help increase their business.
The biggest difference is that Bill was a visionary that was excited about the vision. Like Steve Jobs, just... nerdier. Ballmer is a businessman that was more excited about the business. Stock holders love the business man, employees love the visionary.
ohhh you beat me to it!!!! +1
I say high compression heads and high flow cats. You won't have to worry about trying to shoe horn in a pair of turbos or drastically re-doing the entire fuel/air system then. Also big bonus for greater reliability. You'll still end up with more ponies than you'll know what to do with.