I know right!! I can be there in 5 hours, now if I can only find someone to buy a kidney and sew me up right this freakin minute.
I know right!! I can be there in 5 hours, now if I can only find someone to buy a kidney and sew me up right this freakin minute.
My name is Bondoni, Giacomo Bondoni. Super secret agent license 456, licensed to thrill. Ciao!
I installed AdBlock Plus and some of the AdBlock Plus add-ons to block ads and I don't see the sponsored content anymore. (YAY) It's available for Firefox and Chrome. I don't know about any of the other browsers. FYI, AdBlock is free and should be available in the Firefox Add-on 'store'
Dude, heart click for that. I just watched that video the other day. Well played!
Ford doesn't take shit from birds...
A little Grimmace on Cookie monster action..
There is a bar in Boston called CHURCH that makes an awesome Bacon Bloody Mary. Instead of celery they wrap a cherry tomato in bacon and flash fry it in a deep fryer as the garnish. Sooooooo good.
Personally, when it comes to my taste in Flying Cigars, speeding over the ground at 40,000 feet, I would prefer to fly in the plane that took 10 years to design, test and certify. Rather than get into the one that was rushed to market in 5 years just so I can watch the wings delaminate during a bout of heavy…
The ride or the bride?
I'm writing poems. I think I get to move up. :P
Our dearest $kaycog
Agreed, we need to see more stuff like this from the G staff if they want to clean off some of the stank that has tarnished this site for a while now. I still see them every once in a while but thank god every other post isn't a tweet like it was for a while there. (an no.. i'm not giving you (giz) permission to do…
Perfect reference!!!
I don't know if this would be jumping the shark at this point or not, given that the show already has a scheduled end date looming, but; I think it could be a really cool and touching progression of the story if Henry and Fargo made a body for S.A.R.A.H. so she could get out of her box so to speak. I think there…
Agreed, I would love to have a music player for Android that functions like and syncs with my Zune software. Heck, while we're at it, can I get a Zune-like interface for the whole of my Android phone?
YAY there is hope then that one day I will never have to read another post by J.D. of Gizmodo shame... uh.. fame.
I like it, that's a great idea.
BRAVO and a heart click to you for those great graphics. I LOL'd hard your response to the problem Supa.