GOOD Call. I remember watching this movie as a kid.
GOOD Call. I remember watching this movie as a kid.
The Jeepers Creepers truck always creeps me out.
*GOLF CLAP* You sir have won the internet today.
I know right? I soooo should not have to waste Flickr/Photobucket/picasa whatever we're using web space so I can post something to Gawker. Removing the ability to upload and attach images was a serious step backwards.
WOW, just WOW, that's a monster of a crane.
It's like soup. When everybody is a chef.. the soup sux.
Ya know the more I look at her the more I'm creeped out. Her eyes.. what's going on there? Where are you looking, and talk about ManChin... I have seen guys in drag that looked more convincing.
Jesus says you're only 1 finger dilated and that's A-OK with him.
I don't know why she's such and 'it' girl.. frankly she looks strange, sweaty and like she's trying too hard. Here honey, a little tissue so you can blot that hooker red lipstick.
(raises his hand) Didn't we do this list last month.. and the month before, and the month before that.. and the...
ohh you dropped and S...
And for those of you who don't get the reference, check out the Legacy of the Aldenata series of books by John Ringo. It's a captivating and adrenaline rush filled read.
The Original BUN BUN. :-)
And here I was expecting something GADGET or TECHNOLOGY related. This is just crap graffiti. Now, had the paint dispenser actually DONE something other than cause several thousand dollars of 'damage' to the train and ohhhh I don't know actually painted a picture by using Arduino processors to gauge the train speed…
+1 I LOL'd
Yeah cuz humans are so disease free. How long before Kuru (human Mad-Cow disease) or something similar slips through and infects a generation. I'll skip the soylent-green jello and will take a big helping of Agar please.
God I hope this is sarcasm because if it is...
I would love to do that with my mom... LOLZ
Here is what I would like to know. When the Navy lists their fleet, do they count the mothball ships as a part of them? If so, would this 'ghost' fleet account the 1/5th that the congressman is referring to? If so, why not scrap and recycle them. Seriously, it would cost more, and take longer, to refurbish and…