
that's very true, but that level of difficulty was a design remnant of the arcade days where you make the game hard enough for the player to keep slotting in coins to play, now a days game design has evolve a great deal, and most of the time, it was thanks to Nintendo! without them we wouldn't have jump control, open

hahaha! that is true, at their core, Nintendo focuses on game design and what makes the player smile, Microsoft focuses on hyper connected online multilayer, while Sony focuses on cinematic presentation and visual quality, each have their merits. But yeah, games should be fun, and Nintendo for me (as a non online

I see! that was extremely informative, thank you! where do you learn all these? as a game student, this very much interests me.

Is this method used in the Fox Engine currently have a name? since it's "fake" physical based rendering. Also, I'm wondering if that is also the difference between Cry Engine and Unreal

really? I see that happening in the future, but I don't think that's happening in this console generation or the next

oh I know! I can't explain why, but when I play Nintendo games, it's just plain and, it makes me smile, it's enjoyable, it doesn't need amazing graphics or a compelling story, I literally play Nintendo games for fun!

while in other cases, I tend to play for the story(as you mentioned, bioshock/last of us,

lol! that's true

same here! I buy Nintendo consoles mostly for Nintendo games, they always guarantees quality while putting a smile on my face when playing it. Wonderful 101 is a nice change of pace in terms of difficulty tho, as a Platinum games fan, I welcome it!

hope Nintendo stays the way they are, they make games that cater more to our innocence and nostalgia, to me, it makes a game feel more fun

that is true! the release window is perfect! but also mildly worrying, since history teaches us most launch window games usually suffer in the quality department, but like I said, history, so who knows, maybe this coming generation will have good quality launch games!

Brigade2 Engine looks interesting, thanks for the tip! I currently mostly play with Unreal Engine/a bit of cry engine

I just wish it was more popular and for the sequel to have sold over 500k, these days, only games that manages to break the 700k/1 million lines get sequels, which is really sad because more unique games like this and Sin and punishment will be mostly ignored by the mainstream gamer, yet if they cater to the

I LOVED the original Sin and Punishment, but that was only thanks to the virtual console on the Wii. On the N64, it only sold 130,000 copies world wide, granted, the N64 was not as popular as the PS1 was, but still! and the sequel sold less than 400,000 copies world wide, and that one has no digital version, so that

I have to say, physical based rendering really is amazing! I honestly can't see much difference between the 2 different console generation versions (PS3/PS4, Xbox360/XboxOne), the lighting is the same, all I can imagine they could improved in the next generation version is higher texture resolution and dynamic

the original 2 Dead Rising was more colourful and less "realistic" looking, "gritty" is kind of a reference when a game looks more serious in terms of presentation, for example: mono tone themes colours, more saturated, less vibrant, textures that looks dirty, etc

same here! what they need to make for the next one is internet shopping in your garage with an instant delivery system that utilises planes dropping your shipment in a parachute, so you can order the part you need instead of trying to find them in the game which ends up wasting time looking or going really far to

despite it's gritty exterior, the game is shaping up to be more focused on fun/experimentation than a serious survival horror/shooter...GOOD! I was worried we lost Dead Rising franchise to the mainstream demographics who wants zombies, guns, and good graphics (much like Resident Evil 6)!

it's by Crytech, it would be hilarious if they used Unreal Engine (lol). But yeah, I wasn't 100% if 2011 was CryEngine 2 or 3, and as for the current next-gen, I thought they recently released yet another new engine dubbed "CryEngine", without a number this time, so I can't tell if it's re-branding CryEngine 3 or if

interesting! the original footage for the first person Ryse game that I saw was from E3 2011 amongst a bunch of 360 games showcasing what you can do with Kinect, it did look graphically good, but not next-gen good, guessing in the past 2 years they changed the design, combat mechanics and upgraded the graphics.

Ryse was originally developed for the 360 to make use of the Kinect, it was also a first person sword game. One thing that stayed the same between the original first person sword game and the now a 3rd person sword game is that it uses CryEngine

reminds me of sin and punishment...another ignored series