
Nice! I wouldn't mind paying almost full price for HD remakes if more were like this, Kindom Hearts HD 1.5 remix, and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD. Simply having the game running at a higher resolution than the original isn't enough! they also need to upgrade the textures, controls, and maybe tweak the game mechanics a

all of a sudden, the development cost of $266 million doesn't sound so bad

fascinating strategies from Nintendo, first they do the early digital zelda wind waker hd, then the free digital WiifitU if you buy the pedometer, now this, I'm kinda impressed, didn't think were this forward thinking

good time to jump in, the 3DS library has some solid games, by now, for cheaps

no problem, and sorry for the spoilers, I did say hypothetically tho :p

no no! there aren't 100 skills (or at least, I don't think so?), sorry, lets say hypothetically there are 10 characters per weapon, if they level up the characters of that weapon class, you will unlock more skills relating to that weapon. And there are also skills which aren't tied to a weapon, as well as unite morph

sorry for spoiling it, but it is 100 unique characters in design, and each one can be ranked up (leader gets more exp than the rest of the same weapon class), and when enough of them are of a higher level, you unlock new skills, as well as 15 additional unique characters, only unlocked 5 of them so far

Considering the are now focus on developing a new IP, does this mean Burnout Paradise is the last entry in the Burnout franchise? ...sigh, I loved that franchise

Pikmin 3 was great, but once I finished the story, I had little reason to go back to it, it had mission mode and co-op, and is more challenging, it just didn't feel as good as story mode to me. While I loved Pikmin 3! it was lacking in content and replay value when compared to Wonderful 101! not to mention the story

I hope so too, I mean it's also very power rangers, and that was originally Japanese, I think most people pass it off due to it's colourful visual style, so they think it's a game for kids, when in fact, it's game mechanics are designed for the hardcore gamer. I'm hoping it sells well this holiday season, not just so

there are 100 heroes to collect through the course of the game

I'm a European player, so I had this game for a few weeks, and let me just say, this is a game that just KEEP ON GIVING! I've spent over 50 hours, and still haven't 100% the game (maybe over 60% by now), the replay value for this game is nuts! and I'm talking from a single player point of view.

it does, simply double tap L to zoom out in battle

if your opposed to just using the pointer on the wiimote, then your options are wiiu pad or wiiu pro controller, but trust me, the wiimote pointer is like playing with a mouse on the pc for rts, its perfect! add the wiiu pad map control features and route system, then the wiimote/nunchuk/wiiu pad is the best control

no, the controls scheme is changed, the c button is now used to cycle thought pikmin type, the z is used to centre the camera/lock on to target if your pointing at it with the wii mote, disbanding your pikmin uses the shake feature in the nunchuk, and to charge using all pikmin toward an enemy uses lock on and nunchuk

I sure miss that, even in the pikmin new play controls on the wii, they had that feature when holding down down on the dpad and pointing at the screen, wonder why they took it away, the new charge is useful, even though I wish I could give the charge command to the colour I'm currently on as opposed to everyone

I will miss the colourful humour of Dead Rising 1 and 2

oh! I didn't know that! hopefully they do an awesome story with it, thanks for the info dude :)

YES! glad it wasn't canned :D will be interesting to see how the series handle the fact she can go into avatar mode with full control any time she wants.

Shame about Young Justice tho, it got canned :'(