
How has no one posted this yet?

An order founded by Napoleon, eh? Someone needs to look into this.

Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasting time.

I'm tired of "No life" posts on articles like this. You don't get to decide what makes life valuable - posting on Kotaku is hardly a valuable contribution to society is it? No. People do what makes them happy, fuck what other people think.

While I appreciate that hideki isn't in a position to be a victim of sequellitis... this saddens me. Because what I'd like to see more than a new Bayonetta... is a new Vanquish.

Since it'd be playing on your 3DS, can you imagine if the demon actually had your Mii in the cage in Smash Bros. while playing a match? Whether he was part of a level or an item, or whatever, that would be pretty, pretty gooood.

The irony of this, i could upload a screenshot from my Wii U to any service via the browser and share it here. lol

If I get to buy a Wii U Wonderful 101 is definitely a must have. But that's a big IF...

I respectfully disagree. Pretty much any game that is worth owning right now is on the Wii U. With the exception of previous gen third-party games like Tomb Raider and BioShock Infinite, third-party games Like Rayman Legends, Assassin's Creed IV, Splinter Cell, CoD Ghosts, and many other games have been released for

what about the Wonderful 101 ?

Snake knocked the informant out, that's all.

*sigh* Still no Wii U support from Tecmo. First DOA5U, now this. The hardware is more than capable to support it. I know I supported Tecmo by getting NG3: RE at full retail in hopes that they'd bring some DOA goodness to Wii U. Guess I was wrong.

Welcome to fast food.

Well put :) I still believe Nintendo has much to offer the gaming community, even when said community is being a spoiled little kid and says they don't matter anymore. Succeed or fail, Nintendo is willing to take chances and not make the same box again and again which just homogenizes the experiences across

It's ironic when people don't consider nintendo games as real games for hardcore gamers, back in the day they didn't get more hardcore. Last of Us was hard? Try mother lovin Zelda you wussies! Both quests!

Nintendo realizes they are making toys, Sony and Microsoft seem to take their consoles and themselves too seriously.

I have it from a trustworthy source(concept artist at Crytek) who told me they were making a "sword-fighting Kinect game set in ancient Rome", for the next XBox. He told me this about 2 years ago, when there was still no word about the next XBox in the media, only insider knowledge. I kept it for myself, because he's

Oooooh so if I buy the fit meter I get to use the digital download forever? Yesssssssssss. I didn't want a physical copy because once I take it out of the Wii u it doesn't go back in. Thank you Nintendo. I love you.

I'm a European player, so I had this game for a few weeks, and let me just say, this is a game that just KEEP ON GIVING! I've spent over 50 hours, and still haven't 100% the game (maybe over 60% by now), the replay value for this game is nuts! and I'm talking from a single player point of view.

Platinum is a diamond in the rough, man. Especially for being a Japanese studio, they really get western character and comedy, or maybe the credit goes to their localization team? I love these guys.