
You say Caprice wagon, but the grille and hood ornament clearly say Buick in the image...

Its just so disappointing that the SSR made production, but the Dodge Sidewinder didn’t

I’ve always thought the Saturn Sky/Opel GT were fantastic looking cars.  Definitely better looking than the Solstice they shared a platform with.

Glad I’m not the only one that considers this ‘facelift’ a mistake.  The original version looked like an honest work truck, this looked like someone crashed it into a wall

Came here expecting to find this a bit higher up

Yes, but all three would be on PC, whatever PC you plan to use at the time. Because whatever PC will run the third should have no problems with the first two.

Came here to say this

My first car was an 88 Plymouth Horizon, and while I agree that these were hot garbage I will admit that the car was surprisingly comfortable for its size. The full size spare was a nice bonus, and while it did frequently break in one way or another, you could fix it with basically sticks and duct tape. Except the

Not seeing Reno up there either...

Basically like The Doctor and River Song living their relationship out of order on Doctor Who. Q is likely capable of far stranger things than we’re imagining

The ones I wanted were the TMNT Sewer set and the Star Trek: TNG Bridge playset. Never got either of them...

I want a TourX, but every year the odds get stacked harder and harder against that possibility.

Can confirm, my wife’s Odyssey can scoot

Emphasis on Enthusiasm, he just clearly enjoys cars and is incapable of hiding it

Thats what they tried to do at first, but the farther you go into the series the more they leaned into the ‘buy 3 cheap cars and do challenges’ bit, which did frequently reuse TGUK ideas, but often with older American cars rather than older European ones and of course a different set of personalities to bounce the

Honestly I think the current standard issue Oklahoma plate is the worst. Looks like an ad for Twitter....

In Trump’s deranged mind the tenuous connection between this clerk and someone he doesn’t like is evidence enough to assume there’s a grand conspiracy against him and if he shouts loud enough someone will save him from it =\

Same.  I wonder what ever happened to that thing

I don’t know why, but I really like that Falcon wagon second from the bottom

What are you, some kind of pedo-guy?