
Scrolled way too far to find this.  Somehow we live in a world where this existed, and everyone made SUVs instead of these anyway...

I’ve been watching prices on the TourX for quite a while now.  I love my Mazdaspeed3, but I’d swap for a TourX damn quick if the deal was good enough

I was a fan of the dash layout in that car. It just felt right. But the cupholders up front were useless for anything other than a 20 oz or a can, and I hated the light metallic green color (dark green other the other hand looks fantastic on these). Replaced mine at 144k miles with my current car, which is easily the

Same, drove one for 10 years.  I can’t speak for the 4 cylinder, but the V6 was generally reliable.  The transmission was a little iffy, but the car was comfy, handled well, and for a late 90s midsize looked damn good doing it.

Money.  Thanks to rampant inflation paired with stagnant wages, I’m priced out of most EVs. Pair that with the fact that my current daily driver is still more efficient than my last one and still suits my needs 10 years on and it’s just really hard to justify spending money I don’t have on a new car I don’t need.

Had to scroll way too far to find this.  These things still look amazing today, and as you said, pop ups aside a clean example looks fresh out the show room

I still feel like the first generation Tundra took this design and did it better in every way

Still use my custom ZuneHD (red, with the inscription Don’t Panic! on the back) to play bedtime music for my kids

Now playing

For me it has to be the Historic People Carrier Racing Championship...or used minivan racing. I feel like the segment speaks for itself

As an owner of a 2nd gen Mazdaspeed3, I’ve always described the grinning grill as a preview of the guy behind the wheel

Objectively you’re not wrong, but personally as an owner of a 2013 Mazdaspeed3, I love the Nagare grin in Velocity Red

I dunno man, Mazda has been on a streak for about 10 years now since they abandoned their Nagare styling

Star Trek Online’s Artisanal Audio will never get old to me

I’d take my Speed3 back in a heartbeat to get a 6 Wagon

My wife’s friend had a 2006 Chevy Cobalt SS (4 door, naturally aspirated). Don’t get me wrong, it was damn quick, but it was easily the least comfortable all around car I’ve ever driven.  The driver seat was okay, but the cabin around the driver was claustrophobic with the driver door looming in on you hard toward the

‘alternate brick-built legs for sitting down’

Honestly, with as much work has gone into explaining this ship, setting up the crew, and all the trimmings, I wouldn’t be shocked at all if this season wasn’t a backdoor pilot for a new series about Commander 7 of 9 on the Titan-A and I would be totally here for it

Lets be honest, these are terrible cars

As a father of 2 with a minivan in the driveway I’ll tell you that the third row is very useful for separating the little jerks on long road trips, which may not eliminate all fighting, but it certainly cuts it way down

Especially when they’re so dark as to basically be black unless in direct sunlight