
I would wander into the Microsoft Store in Oklahoma City any time I happened to be in the area. It was always very nice, with a number of customers and employees milling about. Employees weren’t pushy, but were always on hand if you ever needed anything. Lots of hands on demos and a posted schedule for various classes

For my money, the best looking ship to come out of Nemesis was the Romunlan ship Valdore.  The Romulans finally get a badass looking ship to replace the aging D’deridex Warbird and the only time we get to see it on screen is in the second worst TNG movie.

True, they’re all crew cab stumpy bed trucks with only one occupant =\

Same with our Odyssey, and I’ve jumpstarted a truck with my Mazdaspeed3. Not a great metric for ‘needing a truck’

Mazda’s did, but the 5 was discontinued back in 2015 I think.  It was noticeably smaller than most minivans too, thing drove like a car.  If it had even a little more space we probably would’ve bought it over the Odyssey we ended up with

This is all that was left. Their six foot party sub. Their King, Randy, made it for me while I waited. *munch* No one will ever know *munch* their way of life.

This is the problem with the whole ‘we take care of our own’ mentality most police have. If you have 10 bad cops and 90 good cops that don’t do anything about the 10, you have 100 bad cops.

This right here. That first zone is big and packed with stuff to see and do. Ignore that impulse, you can come back later. See some more of the world and open the game up. It’ll stave off burnout

My left grey joycon has it bad.  My Animal Crossing character is incapable of standing still now.  Thankfully my Red/Blue joycons work perfectly, as well as my two wireless Gamecube style controllers.  Still sucks to lose a pair of expensive joycons over a problem that Nintendo should have fixed ages ago...

I’ve never tried that so I’m not sure. Might be worth experimenting with. What I do know is you can pen them in with different pathways, even custom ones I’m told, so you can give your flowers the appearance of being wild while having them surrounded with custom ground tiles made to look just like grass

You can plant flowers in the sand on the beach.  This will store them and they won’t propagate at all.  Planting them in sand is effectively putting them in stasis.  Bugs will spawn on them, but they won’t reproduce

The only one I consistently skip is Meridian. There's just nothing to be gained by watching that one 

Because on DS9, unlike all other Trek, the characters actually do grow and change

Same here!  Blue Rogues attack!

The price needs to be that low, anything more you would be willing to spend on this car will be going toward replacement hatch hinges, as those things break like balsa wood

Not hard to do, the 4x4 in this thing is biased 70% to the rear wheels.  You get the back wheels stuck the front ones don’t have the grunt to get them out.  How do I know?  My best friend and I got his 83 Eagle Wagon’s back wheels stuck in the mud and had to get our other friend’s 4Runner to pull it out.

Man that purple looks sinister

I was super relieved Hugh wasn’t bitter about something upon seeing Picard.  It would’ve been easy and follow along with everything else thats happened, so seeing him genuinely happy to see him was a much needed relief

The scene with Mordin at the Shroud is all the reason you need to do a full Renegade playthrough.  Yes, shooting Mordin is impossibly hard since he’s so likeable, but its worth doing because its such a powerful scene and well performed by the voice actors

I dunno, I feel like we deserved an epilogue