
The crew of the NX-01 wore ballcaps on their first away mission

Don't forget Next Gen’s turn with the Space Irish =/

I used SuperBrightLEDs to buy bulbs for my brothers 2015 Veloster Turbo, ended up with bulbs that barely fit the fixtures.  Had to surgically apply some electrical tape to the sides of the heat sync on the back so it wouldn’t short out the fuse.  After that trouble though everything works and looks pretty great.

My 3 and 6 year-olds both love my Mazdaspeed3. They're constantly complaining that I'm not going fast enough while I'm over here not getting pulled over. 

I’ve only owned two, my first is my still current daily driver: a 2013 Mazdaspeed3.  Best car I’ve ever owned.  My only other I only owned for a year and was sad to sell it but couldn’t justify owning it: a 1999 B3000 Troy Lee Edition.  Its killing me that my brother is trying to sell it now that he’s bought a newer

The LED taillight having Rams do the same thing. Came upon one with a refrigerator in the bed blocking the center high mount and the guy had his hazards on, so there was literally no way to know he was braking aside from his sudden lack of motion

I hate to be that guy buuuuuuut...

Its brilliant until people’s watches start sticking to the attraction and not letting go

Voyager’s concept episodes were often excellent, but also never had any lasting ramifications.

I’d always heard that when DS9 ended Ron Moore went to join the Voyager staff and quickly left when ideas like persistent damage were dismissed out of hand.  Once he left he created the BSG remake, doing most of what he wanted to do with Voyager

He has.  But everyone has lapses in judgement, even relatively public figures.  I’d say Reese has done a lot more good than not and will give him a pass on this one.

Actually, Roper voted for Trump, believing that Clinton wasn’t suitable for the presidency.  That said, Engine is easily their best album to date as far as I’m concerned

Solid reference, its not often you meet another Five Iron fan

Wow, thats kinda surprising.  The band is historically none of those things...I wonder if they knew?

Gonna need you to elaborate on #2.  I mostly know TenNapel as the guy that did the artwork for most of Five Iron Frenzy’s album covers

Their son’s name was Kirayoshi

And yet the Simpsons is on Disney+

Basically, Disney+ is for family friendly content. Any Disney stuff that you can't watch with your kids will get dropped on Hulu instead. Firefly is a lot of things, but fun for the whole family isn't one of them. 

If Disney did Firefly right it’d end up on Hulu, wouldn’t it?