
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt go for months without having their kids or themselves "papped". Sandra Bullock adopted her child while campaigning for an Oscar and kept it a secret. Reece Witherspoon also goes months without having her kids "papped", despite taking them to school, after school activities, church, etc on

Ehhhh I see what you're saying, but I disagree. These are all people who are choosing to work with him - they don't *have* to. This isn't like some normal person working for an immoral bastard because we're dependent on a paycheck. I think it's perfectly valid for her to question why they choose to work with, and

Until she dresses in a Catwoman costume and crashes an audition, she hasn't hit rock bottom yet.

"If I had another little boy, I'd name him Jason, Caleb, or Tab."

Whew, her movies, so lame.

What saves Wes Anderson from being hipster garbage is he has a real, genuine sympathy for people. Hipster trash is horrible and grating not only because it's predictable but because it's scathing — hipsters are so 'over' everything, and their art expresses that kind of snobbish boredom with the human experience. Wes

So when women make more than men, there are logical explanations.

This looks like an H&M runway show. :/

I'm a horrible person, but this strikes me as a horrible waste of time and resources for a single person's comfort, autistic or not. This is the definition of special treatment. You know, the thing that disablity activists are trying so hard to convince people they don't need (or want, for that matter)?

Do you live in the US?