I was always hoping the Draper’s maid Carla would come back in Angela Davis drag and have words with Betty.
I was always hoping the Draper’s maid Carla would come back in Angela Davis drag and have words with Betty.
No, those are isolated instances of celebrity women with hanger-on partners. They are exceptions that prove the rule.
But if you're just dating you don't get to throw a big party and make all of your friends and relatives set you up with money and home goods.
I don't know. I feel like a generation ago the more interesting actresses were getting the attention. I can't see Emma Thompson, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Pheiffer or Jodie Foster accepting this form of unearned adulation as legitimate and I don't consider any of them to be anti-female empowerment. Something has…
Sorry, usually when an actor stars in that many bombs, they're lucky to get on the cover of Lucky, let alone Vogue.
Ugh, I hate that Blake Lively is making me defend Gwyneth Paltrow... but there it is. Paltrow had won an Oscar and starred in some pretty great movies, including "The Royal Tennenbaums", "Hard Eight", "The Talented Mr. Ripley", and "Great Expectations" before launching GOOP. She had more or less earned the right to…
Two divorces and trying to back out of a surrogacy... but of course she thinks gay marriage is immoral.
From Wikipedia:
Its why they're paid millions to pay make believe all day. If they don't like it, they can retire or go do theater in Vermont. As long as kids aren't involved - Do. Not. Care.
She's a member of the jury - which means she's going to have to do this every day for two weeks plus do press, jury meetings, etc. Smart move to try and be comfortable and low key.
I watched this with a few friends, we are all Maya fans. The word "disaster" was used more than once. It felt like comedy by committee - that GPS voice sketch wouldn't have been funny even 5 or 6 years ago. The tone didn't make sense - like it wanted to be both nostalgic and cutting edge at the same time, which is…
Invasion of personal space comes with the job "movie star". Always has, always will. If she really loves acting and hates the spotlight, she could do theater instead of, say, staring in a huge summer blockbuster.
Even though she
I've no doubt she has it written into her appearance deal memo that she must be referred to as "Governor", as opposed to "ex-Governor-almost" or "quitter".
She was born on third base and thinks she hit a triple. I have no problem with nepotism as long as the benefactor doesn't then turn around and tell everyone else how to achieve a perfect life. Unless Paltrow says "step 1: be born to a famous actress, big shot TV producer, and have Steven Spielberg be your godfather"…
Haha, as if there's any danger of Alba being cast in a movie.
"I've seen articles or comments that have addressed my weight, or 'caving to pressure to be thin.' Keeping weight on is a struggle for me— especially when I'm under stress, and especially as I've gotten older. That's the way my genes have decided to go, and things will change as time goes on, as does everything."
I watch the Feud every day that I can and I sort of knew she would blow it. The questions are the type that illicit one really obvious answer and NOTHING else. "A married couple might be deeply in what?" What other answer other than "love" would get more than a handful of points? "In debt" I suppose, but that…
My general rule of thumb: if you can't afford to tip well for good service, you can't afford to eat out. Eating out isn't a guaranteed right.