
The only thing that separates you from the WBC is I assume you don't picket funerals. Take a long look in the mirror, buddy.

OK, would you rather be stabbed or shot? Mugged via knife or gun?

If it should become scientifically possible to determine looks, IQ, gay/straight, etc, there should be new laws banning abortion on the basis of an unwanted outcome.

I read several interview in which she insisted she played Max Cady in Cape Fear.

Yeah yeah, Lohan's bad parents, we get it. You know who else had crap parents? Christina Aguilerra, Tom Cruise (nuts, but a solid professional), Charlize Theron, Drew Barrymore, Tina Turner, Oprah, Naomi Watts, etc, etc. Lohan seems to get a pass because we're all aware in real time of how bad Dina and Michael are.

Considering he does huge amounts of cocaine I don't see this as a real sacrifice on his part.

I think the dearth of "great women" roles on par with Lincoln, etc, has more to do with societal sexism than the Oscars. We still haven't had a woman president, for example. Believe me, when it happens a movie will be made (Emma Thompson as Hillary, please).

Yes, people thought Bush was dumb, a puppet, etc, but the visceral hate didn't start until he, you know, started illegal wars, torture policy, etc. Even then there weren't calls for his death, more like urging war crimes trials, voting for Kerry, reminding people of the Bush family's sordid history. After 9/11

I will hold the GOP and right wing media outlets responsible if, god forbid, someone should really try to harm the President. You can't call Obama a major threat to America for 5+ years then say "who me?" when your followers take that statement to its logical conclusion.