
In telecom we use something called "Radmans". We wear them on our hip when we are standing in front of giant 6 foot antennas that emit radio waves for telecommunications. If you get to a dangerous level of radiation, the Radman goes off and we then have to shut the antenna down to work on it. My Radman only ever went

Microwaves and your router work at the same frequency 2.4gHz. Your router works at less than 1 watt and the oven at close to 1000 watts. sup with the roku sitting so close to the oven it's connection is being drown out by the little bit of energy coming from the oven. Move it a few feet away and you'll be fine.

I work in the Army, where a lot of people are still pretty homophobic, despite the fact that it's legal now. I've learned to subtly hint to my subordinates and coworkers that sexual orientation doesn't matter to me. It's a strange dance, but a necessary one if you want to make a young soldier know it's okay for her

I would say that today it is much easier than even a few years ago. A lot of brave souls paved the way for a lot of people who lived in fear, to come out. I would say if someone has a problem with your sexual orientation don't bother trying to explain the facts, just walk away and let them live in their own little

I'm thrilled that you came out, because I always thought you were adorable but probably straight. #TEAMHOMO (though I agree that that's just one tiny thing about us)

I’m sure coming out of the closet is a unique experience, but many of the points made in this article are good for more than just coming out of the closet. I particularly love the point that being gay is only one attribute. This is good advice to give to anyone.

That's probably all great advice for someone who is gay who wants to come out, but it's also excellent for giving straight people some perspective on what it means to be gay in a society that, while making strides in the last little while, is far from total acceptance.

I don't "come out" about being straight, and I don't think gay people should have to come out about being gay. Our sexuality is just one part of who we are. The more time you spend with someone, the more you learn about them. So, if I were gay, I don't think I'd worry about it either way. I wouldn't go out of my

A friend of mine at work came out to me. We'd hang out after work, grab a beer and generally shoot the sh*t. I think he was expecting an entirely different reaction from what I gave him. When he came out, I just said "Ok, that's cool. We still grabbing drinks later?" I think this article can't stress enough that it's

My sexuality is really no one else's business, unless I happen to have sex with them. Then they tend to figure it out on their own. People who define themselves by their sexuality tend not to be able to define themselves in other ways, such as by their actions. YMMV.

My addition: If you've previously been hiding who you've been dating, and then you come out to your parents and they're fine with it, you may have to suffer through that Parent Thing where they incessantly ask you well-meaning questions about your significant other. "When can we meet them?" "What do they do for a

Just curious, when did this happen? Age and/or year

Yeah, I know CT money FTW! Must have been taken inside a Crappy Tire store...

All that photo needed was a Timmies Gift Card in the pile somewhere!

Using some Ikea furniture, an Ardunio, and some code in AutoHotkey we might.

Would it be best to do the two days of fasting back to back, or should i split them up in the week?