Long story short it's looking for an OEM license. Similar to Dell, HP it would use a volume OEM-SLP license. It's looking for bits in the virtual BIOS to "match" the key.
Long story short it's looking for an OEM license. Similar to Dell, HP it would use a volume OEM-SLP license. It's looking for bits in the virtual BIOS to "match" the key.
Some of it comes down to hobby. If you actually enjoy your DIY electronics project, or whatever, even if it cost a bit more, and you spent more time on it, you do it because you enjoy it.
And my point was you can use a Windows based boot CD/DVD, even when your install is borked, to mount and modify the Registry. Being that it's a proprietary binary format, there's some benefit to using Microsoft's tools.
On my microwave if I twist the handle while pulling it slightly it (but not completely open) the carrousel will turn, and the fan will run, but the magnetron won't. Are you sure the magnetron is running in your microwave?
12. Willing to spend where it counts I have second hand living room furniture from my parents, a used kitchen table set from my friend, and my folding banquet table desk (that I had growing up), and family's old kitchen table as my desks. I wear a T-shirt and jeans to work every day, and have a cheap Dynex…
You need credit history, and a credit score, not debt. When you are a college student, it seems banks will sign you up for a credit card no problem. Once you graduate, if you have no history, your only option is a secured card (where you need security funds, and frequently annual fee).
I'm a big fan of both of these as well. I used to be a pilot, so I learned NATO phonetic alphabet and use it to spell things over the phone. I have been caught before when someone on the phone used an "as in" where the letter, and the name used, both had two options, and I misheard the wrong one. I think for anyone…
I've been doing this for years. I thought it was obvious. Even to find files legitimately downloaded through Firefox, since those go in my Downloads file too.
There's a PC application, FORScan specifically for Ford cars that can connect to OBD adapters and harvest advanced codes off other modules in the car. If you modify your OBD II reader you can gain access to more modules yet again on another bus. You can do things like read ABS and Airbag, Transmission codes, watch the…
Don't know if the VPN specifically will do anything for you, but if the PC were behind a decent firewall (eg: most routers), and application software is kept up to date, your risk would be somewhat mitigated.
All the sources I found indicate that it's to deal with drafts (from cold air leaking in) and convection currents. Eg: This DOE site indicates with newer tighter houses it isn't as much of a requirement.
Sounds like going in after every transaction and transferring money is a bit of a PITA. Makes more sense to figure out a ratio of earning (If one person earns twice as much as the other, they should be paying 66% of the bills). Then either transfer that amount into a joint account that pays the bills, or assign…
I worry about physical damage of the nozzle contacting the board / components, or the risk that the airflow may be too high and cause damage if the nozzle is right next to the board.
I've seen recommendations, eg this site:
You need a programmable thermostat.
They don't, basically. Microsoft only keeps track of activation requests. In the case of a retail licence, you can install it on a new machine every ~3 months indefinitely and they won't have a problem. Reactivate sooner than that and it will fail. Once activated they don't keep tabs on what machines are active where.
Which is why I was talking about booting windows off a CD/DVD. UBCD4Win, the Windows 7 (/8/Vista), etc use Windows PE. PE is "preinstallation environment". So you're not booting into your windows installation, but rather booting windows off a disc. My general thinking is I would rather first give a crack at fixing…
It's kind of like when people needlessly point out that they own Apple products. Sometimes needlessly adding the model.
Uh, as Whiston Mentioned here
I also found MXPlayer's HW acceleration allowed smooth playback on my low end phone, where other players (like the built in one) failed.