Maxawe Some

Yea good idea... it’s only one of the best shows ever. Talk about ego

I don’t think it’s half the amount of ego being spewed by our current president. His ego could fill the entire planet.

Lol. Telling the historical truth = taking potshots at religion. Okay.

Are you really pro-science? Didn’t understand? Pot-shots? WTF are you talking about. Ever heard of the Dark Ages? How about Texas printing textbooks that include Creationism? Religion has fought science since the beginning, ignorance versus fact. It’s the oldest battle in human history. If a person is curious, has an

Counterpoint: Religion needs to be mocked at every opportunity because that shit needs to go away in order for humanity to advance.

Same here. Every episode of the new series made me emotional.

Don’t forget all the indie-rock pete’s out there who’ve decided that hating on NDT is cool.

Waiting for the christian nutjobs going critical in... 5...4....3.....2.....1....

Your stupidity is creating a super massive black hole that will suck all intelligence from our known universe. Quit it.

No, no. Haven’t you listened to our Attorney General? Smoking the Devil’s Clover is much worse. It’s the first step down the long road to arson, cannibalism & swing dancing.

you do know hashtags are pointless in Kinja comments right? You can just say the words

Sad, but very, VERY true.

Nope - you missed the point too. He’s talking about the United States, and comparing this to the NFL: in both Hollywood and the NFL, they take a victimless crime like smoking weed more seriously than they do domestic abuse, and he’s drawing attention to that disturbing parallel. He’s pointing out that it’s about money

OMG, I didn’t think about that. This will totally make a minimum wage wife beater stop mid punch and re-think his life. Where do I vote to make Amber a hero to all of humanity? I’d never even heard of her until this Depp thing.

Okay but WHAT is the deal with all these people completely misunderstanding what he said? Like... people on the internet seem to be forgetting how to read.

He’s not saying that at all! He’s saying that we gave a pass to the domestic abuser because we like him... but the guy that played Crabbe got himself fired for something as minor as possession of marijuana. What’s the difference? Well, Depp is popular. Crabbe wasn’t. So we’ll give the popular guy a pass for something

Reading comprehension isn’t your thing, is it bub?

Wow, you totally missed the point.

dumbass. he’s saying that if a non-famous person is going to get removed from the movie for a minor thing like smoking weed, then a lead who has done something worse should face a steeper sanction.

that’s so clearly NOT what he said...?