What critics forget is that there is life outside America, I know , it sounds crazy, but I’m one of those life forms. And we have different tastes, people here like Bright because it’s a fun movie. We also don’t give a damn about critics.
What critics forget is that there is life outside America, I know , it sounds crazy, but I’m one of those life forms. And we have different tastes, people here like Bright because it’s a fun movie. We also don’t give a damn about critics.
And yet, people like you can’t see the flaws in The Last Jedi. How funny is that...
This is Gawker, people are weird here, and for some reason they blindly trust the “professional critics”.
Sense8 was boring as fuck.
Counterpoint : Bright is actually a fun movie, people like it, critics don’t matter. I’m happy we get a sequel.
Starcraft copied it from Warhammer. Which reminds me to play the Wings of Liberty campaign again with just foot soldiers, no heavy units.
Story and lore aside (that’s personal taste) the movie has so many flaws, it’s amazing there are people who like it. There will be research papers about how a beloved franchise can change people’s perception on what’s good or bad.
Finn is the best stromtrooper ever, he even beats Phasma in an 1 vs 1 duel, and he was just a janitor ! Can you imagine how strong the actual trained, battle hardened troopers are, that Finn just killed without breaking a sweat ! ... this logic exercise makes me nauseous.
“without much training” - yet there still is some training, even for small feats of Force usage. Rey just masters advanced things without even knowing there is such thing as the Force. It negates all the things we have seen before. All Force sensitive people have the reflexes and can feel some things (like Anakin,…
The scene was poorly done and stupid, it came out comical rather than emotional. But we already knew Leia was Force sensitive and an extreme situation would trigger than reaction.
A Mary Sue.
What’s more extreme , a stone cold idiot, or a flaming moron ?
“Most of the major stories within the Star Wars franchise have revolved around the Skywalker family because of how strong they are in the Force.” - dude, you’re a moron.
Instead, he decided to murder the movie.
We will never know,instead of Radcliffe he said Mr. Potter, I guess for marijuana, you know, pot. He’s either a mediocre troll, or very stupid.
Yeah, but the white armor looks slightly different, it was designed by the Apple designer, or some shit.
TLJ is actually a very good movie, if you realize it’s a Disney movie. It’s a classic Disney children’s movie, but it also has jokes for adults. From the first scene in the movie you realize it’s a parody. And it’s awesome.
I hated TLJ with a passion, until I realized where they are going with this trilogy. You know the Fast and Furious series ? It’s pure art, those movies are the best ever in movie history, because they are parodies of themselves, it’s genius. You have the fans who go and watch the movies for the action, and the people…
Even JJ said it is an aping of ANH, and it was intentional.
TLJ is worse than Phantom Menace.