Maxawe Some

We know Force sensitive people have good reflexes, Luke owned a T-16 Skyhopper, he even says “it has the same controls as the X-Wing”. The X-Wing has a little droid in the back, it helps with navigation and targeting, Anakin had one too.

Just watch the Star Wars trilogies again, maybe you’ll understand. The Disney cannon is different, we now get to have Jedis without any training, that’s ok, they bought the rights, they can do whatever they want in the SW Universe, like people just using advanced (yes, the mind trick is an advanced ability according

Again, no one said Force sensitive people need to have Force sensitive parents, that was clear from 1977.

Go away with your logic, it has no place here, you’re going to make people cry. They love Rey, why are you doing this to them ? You are mean, please delete what you wrote ! For the love of everything that makes no sense, think about Rey’s fans !

...but these are the people who liked TLJ, they didn’t watch the prequels, or A New Hope, where Keni clearly explains what the Force is. And Anakin was a slave, for fuck’s sake, why does everyone forget that ? Rey isn’t the first “come from nothing” SW hero.

JJ will fix everything Johnson messed up.

“taught himself” I’m sure he had some material to learn from, and he practiced a lot, or what’s the word I’m looking for ? Oh, yes, he trained. He didn’t just look at a piano for the first time ever in his life, and 5 minutes later became the world’s best piano player ever in the Universe, no matter how much raw

We all knew the Jedi didn’t own the Force since A New Hope first came out, why is that suddenly such a revelation for everyone ?

There are normal people, and Force sensitive people. Force sensitive people (like Chirrut, Anakin, Ashoka,etc) can train to become Jedi or Sith. No one is born Jedi or Sith, like no one is born a violin player, you need to be born with the talent, but that’s not enough, you also need to train. At least that was the

Anakin was a slave, he had lower status than Rey, why does everyone forget that ?

Have you seen the prequels ? No one ever said that that the Force is hereditary. Every species has Force sensitive individuals and they can all become Jedi or Sith with training... with training. 

But Rey is something else. While Anakin and Luke were Force sensitive and had the Jedi reflexes, Rey is just too good at

The Force is stronger in every Mary Sue, because the Force is female :

No need for that, Rian Johnson already proved he has no idea what he’s doing :)

In the new Disney cannon nothing makes sense, we’ll have to get used to that.

Yes, Disney market research said that we don’t deserve good movies anymore.

Go away with that, how dare you, people here like TLJ, they don’t want sense in their movies.

Basically everything people here said is better than the crap Rian Johnson vomited.

A SW film where Vader is the good guy, like some smugglers/mercenaries/ bounty hunters/hackers steal a McGuffin generator on an Empire mining planet, that will leave the mining colony without power and sentence the miners and their families to certain death, then an injured Vader teams up with a miner (female,

Rogue Squadron.