Maxawe Some

...unitl it is.

That would mean a box office disaster.

And yet, sadly, the Chinese audience will pay more for a a movie with a white superstar.

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This is how a Power Ranger movie should be :

WTF, dude is having fun, what’s your problem ?

That’s the point, they don’t want to make a movie for gamers. They only need to make some war movie, put some gears into it and call it Gears of War.

You peasants are obviously holding the phone wrong.

How you dare make jokes about Apple ?

Not with an American carrier, but with a Russian one.

Fuck them millenialz.

I thought she’s an artist and the slide is a piece of modern art, it’s worth $4,3 million and we are too stupid to get it.

That’s a problem with all electric cars.

Over the years some good investments will bring more than his comedy and film business. Also don’t spend your money on cocaine and hookers, no matter how much you make.

OK, so if anyone uses a sentence like : “I could literally eat a whole cow”, you know that person is a moron, because using “literally” in a sentence like that is just stupid.

It’s for kids.

Shut up, the ‘90s were awesome.

So what word do we have to use now, instead of “literally” now that“literally” has lost its original meaning ? Just asking because English is not my first language.

You know, women are people too, why shouldn’t they get cars made for them ? You racist !

Isn’t that supposed to be the meaning of modern art ? To make you use your own imagination and have your own, personal interpretation of the story.

So the phone is actually pretty boring, with the same low resolution screens, a better battery life, a stupid adapter, a home button that feels weird, but it is a good phone because all the signs say that the next one will totally be a good phone. Like totally.