Max Power
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Looks like the standard RORO/PCTC loading involved securing all the vehicles to the decking with tire straps. Hopefully they all hold fast and they can recover the cars without too much trouble. I imagine the shipping insurance would cover losses as well, but it just shows you how much is involved in transporting

I have used LastPass Premium for over two years now, and I don't know what I would do without it. Our office used to keep a shared password spreadsheet until I signed us up for the Enterprise version about a year ago, and everyone loves that too.

I have a Nexus 5 and have used LastPass for more than two years, and I never use the LastPass browser. Just go to your App Settings menu and reset the default applications. The next time you click on something in your LastPass Vault, it will ask you which browser you want to use to open the link, and just pick

The biggest question now is how many draft picks will Dan Snyder need to trade away?

So based solely on the timing, you make the assumption that this is "bailout" money, as much so as the actual TARP bill that was passed through both houses of Congress and signed into law by Bush in 2008? That's what you're hanging this silly argument on?

I was making that point, not ignoring it. It was Obama taking the lead in TARP negotiations during the summer and fall of 2008, months before his election.

Nope, this loan program and many other programs like it were intended to foster American innovation and excellence in fields like science, manufacturing, energy production, agriculture, health care, education, etc. The various Departments all have their own loan and/or grant budgets for these programs, and have had

I'm sorry for misunderstanding your statement, but which administration in this "joint effort" are you referring to? The one that already had one foot out of the door but should have been on the job until the end, or the literally non-existent one, headed by the person who wouldn't be elected until months later and

GG's logic (and yours here) seem to imply that any money taken from any government program institutes a "bailout". For example, the DOE loans that Tesla and Ford (and many other recipients) applied for were part of the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan program. This was a low-cost way of encouraging

I just wonder how many comments will come from New Jersey.

Not really, I just thought his phrasing was unfortunate and a little funny.

Ford and FMCC didn't access any bailout money. You are deliberately confusing the fact that "bailout funds" is an entirely separate and specific category of government assistance, different from the emergency direct lending by the Federal Reserve to replace the non-existent commercial paper market in 2008-2009.

So much wrong in this post it's hard to know where to begin. I'm not even going to try.

So now you're equating Ford the automaker with Ford Motor Credit Company, the financial services company. FMCC didn't even take bailout funds, due to traditional and usual sources of credit evaporating, they were given access to credit directly from the federal government through the Federal Reserve only as a lender

Bush had already moved his belongings out of the WH in mid-December 2008, when the bailout was announced. I think you give too much credit to him for running away from his problems.

So if I go to the Small Business Administration for a startup or expansion loan, I'm also taking "bailout money" by your logic? Good to know.

Snapped up with what money? Maybe you just don't remember what 2007-2009 looked like from a finance perspective. Were you on the moon, perhaps?

Sheesh, way to be wrong AND sexist all in one short comment. I don't think Mary Barra is on top of many people's Christmas card list this year, but there's no reason to be crass about it.

I agree with you that future costs are by necessity at least partially unknown, for both hydrocarbon and renewable energy sources. However, there are significant known costs from a pollution and public health standpoint that are not being currently included in hydrocarbon pricing, not to mention the agreed upon

It probably won't be a problem for you, but it certainly will be for future generations. By all means continue on your way, ignorance certainly is bliss.