The Jefferson Davis memorial monuments and statues all glorify the man and his goals, among them being the continued enslavement of an entire race of people. Celebrating him is honoring a traitor to this nation and validating his vile misunderstanding of humanity.
I have yet to see a US WWII monument dedicated to the death of Japanese people. There are plenty of war monuments dedicated to the soldiers who fought and died in those wars, however. If you can’t tell the difference, then one of us is definitely being intentionally obtuse.
Moving an artifact from a public display to a museum does not erase history.
It’s been a while since I perused their pages, but you are absolutely right about the Trump/Cruz infighting. Here’s one delightful post that is getting all sorts of attention this morning:
One great tip I got from a lactation consultant/baby whisperer is that when your baby is crying in a car seat and you are carrying them around, move the seat straight up and down a few inches until they stop crying (think little bicep curls). Something about moving up and down calms them down super quick, and if you…
My wife and I had plenty of practice calming our first kid down, so we were well prepared when our second was born. It turns out that this one is addicted to our well-polished calming techniques, so we can barely put him down before he wants to be picked up again. As soon as you start bouncing him around, he looks…
I read your comment in the voice of someone who has never been a parent of a newborn.
Same here, DECEMBER works, but 367315 does not.
Same here, DECEMBER works, but 367315 does not.
The heavy pallets burn best, they’re made of denser hardwood stock like oak. Depending on the type of goods they were shipped with, you sometimes get cheapo, lightweight pallets made from southern yellow pine, which makes for a smokey, fast-burning and unpleasant smelling fire.
I’ve never seen or heard of a pallet made of treated wood, that would be insanely expensive.
From around the same time period, you have a sickeningly similar hatred of Italians. According to many acceptable editorials of the time, Italians were racially inferior, didn’t speak the language or try to assimilate, were filthy in habit, poor in character, and prone to crime.
I think this may be the previous record-holder for the reverse style, in 2012:
Just in case anyone was interested in the “non-reverse” parallel parking record:
“The UAW is [...] draining the auto industry IMO.”
It seems like your main criticism is that you don’t like movies with Bill Murray as the leading role. At least that’s what at least 8 of your 5 points emphatically state, so I’m taking that on face value.
Nope, that’s what the cost of living increases are for. As inflation reduces the purchasing power of SSA recipients, their benefit amount increases.
This is a poorly researched and designed sales tool created and distributed by a private tax consulting company. There are many examples of the US budget breakdown in graphical format that are more accurate and informative:
Maybe there’s just a handful of Accords that are stolen many, many times each?