Index funds reduce certain risks, but they do not eliminate it all. You can invest in many different types of index funds, including some that are very risky and some that do not give provide much growth at all.
Index funds reduce certain risks, but they do not eliminate it all. You can invest in many different types of index funds, including some that are very risky and some that do not give provide much growth at all.
It sounds like your plan allows you to make traditional and/or Roth 401(k) contributions, which is great. There is no right or wrong way to answer your question about which is better for you, but here are some guidelines:
Five year vesting schedules are graduated, meaning you would receive an additional 20% vesting credit for each year you stay with that employer. In other words, if you stay and contribute for at least one year, you'll get SOME amount of "free" matching funds, and each year you stay adds additional vesting benefits,…
Back to the nightmare from whence they came. I can't tell for sure from the article pics, but it looks like those horrific fender vents have been erased as well! Happy days are here again!
Here in America, we look down on janitorial jobs as menial, transient work, fit only for uneducated, unambitious people. When you see people cleaning up trash on the side of a highway, most people assume they are felons on work release, and they are often correct.
To this day, most Japanese kids are expected to clean their schools on a regular basis, as they have no janitors. They all have assigned jobs like wiping down floors, cleaning windows, and picking up trash. They also take turns cooking and serving meals to the other students.
The driver certainly is stupid and reckless. Was anyone else mentally screaming at the passenger for grabbing at the wheel though? I understand that she was freaking out about the situation, but she HAS to realize that can't make anything more safe.
I'm just saying that you can make a lot of amazing things happen with $100 million, no need to get crazy political with it.
Just as long as you are aware that Audi's annual Le Mans budget is north of $100 million. For three cars.
I'm pretty sure that if you could butcher a delicious, well-marbled 14-ounce ribeye off a dog, we'd have started calling cats "man's best friend" a looooong time ago.
This story just can't be true, but I'm giving a star for effort anyway. Bravo.
That's the first time I ever gave a pity star to a comment. I don't know if it was because your poor husband got misidentified as a criminal or that you now live in Polk County, but there you go.
"Sounds fine to me."
It's called hyperbole, and you asking me to suck a dick is not helping your case for logic in the slightest.
I can't wait until built-to-order manufacturer direct sales become possible. Dealerships are archaic and inefficient, time for the industry to evolve.
That's awesome! I rarely get the chance to interact with someone who takes it upon himself to do all his own work himself.
One from each of the major purveyors, got it.