If this is what the app was like, expect this, but natively!
Apple did lead. Watch-give it a few months and we'll all be talking to our phones. FaceTime sparked the trend of having 9/10 mid/high end phones having videocalling, and now every phone will feature a mobile assistant that does more than just a Google search.
This. That's the reason why I hate my Android-It's ugly. It isn't sleek, and its uncomfortable to hold.
Why is it such a dissapointment? The specs look pretty good, and it looks better than most Android handsets out there. Plus iOS5 and a new notification system, it seems to blow a massive chunk of Android handsets out of the water.
Suprisingly, Telus has actually been doing this for several months now. It's neat, and they even give you a free Xbox, although, I am slightly biased toards the PS3.
Honestly, RIM can file if they wish, but I think Apple has a pretty darn good legal dep. (see Samsung Tab blockage).
RIM doesn't own the idea. The idea of having a sevice that does this, is indeed similar, but unless you can prove there has been an infraction, no dice.
NFC-next year. No pont in having it in until it's more widely supported; not every store has PayPass... yet...
And then defile it.
I believe the iPhone app download size limit on 3G is only 25MB. I may get it, but, I'll take a pass on 3G. WiFi only, pl0x.
What's with the whole US vs. Them mentality? Why can't we co-operate on something for once?
I counter with a failed suicide attempt over Horshoe falls.
Same here, Jobs seems like a good guy. Hopefully Tim Cook can continue doing well with Apple, and so far, he does seem to be. I'd imagine Jobs left him a 2000 page long manual, wrapped up in a Apple designed box.
I would not be suprised if Jobs still launches products, though.
I wasn't trying to insult Giz or anything, it's just I like seeing well written comments.
Excellently put. You deserve a star for this.
I'm thinking CoD gets more sales, mostly due to massive brand recognition, but all in all, I believe BF3 is better for ME to play. It looks more fun. Flying jets? Yes, please!
And yet, our system has been ranked better than yours. It's more efficient, and contrary to popular belief, our government spends LESS per person on healthcare than the US.
I think that sitting in a dank cell for 23 hours a day for many, many, many years is much worse. I would literally be begging to be executed ater a year in solitary. However, it is expensive, and sometmes when a heinous crime is commited and I hear of it, I question my own morals/ideas.