
I'd like to thank Pandemic Legion for helping make this awesome mod, and thanks to the devs for being awesome and making DayZ. I've wasted so much time in this game.

I'll put it this way. E3 has become about as relevant as the Something Awful forums due to a sort of stagnation. It's getting old. Companies are getting lazy.

Well in that case, everyone, I shall now be known as "Bob McBob". I mean, come on, how do you enforce something like this? Force blogging sites to require commentors to fax in a copy of a piece of ID?

I think Drawception is quite a bit more fun and WAY more creative:

They're staging a coup d'etat of Lethbridge, of course.

... I can't be the only one who read the title... differently... am I?

You know, they probably used a fair amount of waste in deploying those balloons.

Join EVE University. They're awesome. I'm in one of the powerbloc alliances ATM, and I originally was from EVE Uni. They're there to help you learn the game, plus give you free skillbooks. []

You know, Air Canada has continually become shittier and shittier. Although this did happen back in 2011, now with all of the strikes and mass layoffs, you're better off flying with WestJet. Perhaps the airline industry up here should have been kept in the hands of the government.

I've never quite understood why marijuana activists rally on Hitler's birthday. Couldn't they have chosen a different day, you know, something a bit less harsh than the birth date of an evil man?

On the plus side, Apple would probably never allow it, and Android would make it obvious in the installation menu where it displays required services.

I understand that. I'm not alarmist, that's for sure. I'm just saying humans are having an impact on our environment due to man-made pollution. Now, this could be a bigger issue down the road, but even with good scientific practices, it's nearly impossible to figure out how badly this impact will affect us, and when.

This. It's not propaganda, it's science supported by evidence.

The damn nullsec bloc, sadly. Basically, you vote who you're told to vote for in that alliance.

Let me take a guess at random, it was The Mittani mocking him?

I fail to see how this is racism. #semantics

Well, I guess I can now literally give a shit.

Faith and science CANNOT coexist. Science is the process of using hard evidence, tangible evidence. Faith requires no evidence, and provides none.

Siri is useful for setting time/day reminders, alarms, unit conversions, etc. I don't have to unlock the phone, and it also is pretty damn accurate. With Google's service, it's a much less intuitive. I'm restricted to using prompts and searching the internet.

I wonder how he would react to NetHack or Dwarf Fortress if he couldn't save-scum?