
He's chasing two ghostbusters?

@Helis: Little known fact. They hire a giraffe at the local zoo to do his voice.

Achievement unlocked: Cufflinks

Aren't water bears god awful if you get them inside you or something? I had a mental red flag pop up about it.

What is this hope crushing week? First the Lost Viking post on kotaku didnt have those lost vikings. And now this post has nothing to do with my childhood at all. I CANT TAKE THE HEART BREAK ANYMORE.

That's beyond awesome. I actually want to try this with one of my duplicate copies.

If this hurts Guild Wars 2 I'll...write an angry letter. I cant even play a gimped version in jail.

@Self_Destructo_2000: It was like 50% batman 50% mechs 50% awesome. I hope your kids like it, because I dont get what they watch these days. I'm strapping mine to a couch and making them watch what I did. Crazy kids and their 3D televisions..and their pudding pops...

@LFCD: They managed to eek out the 2nd season, but it was just too cult of a following. [AS] still references it from time to time, and it runs on their schedule, but at some ungodly hour in the morning. But hey, at least its there.

Anyone else think of Big O in all of this?

This is an issue, as a soon to be college grad, that I'm facing. I love video games, they've always been my hobby. However I start to see how productive I could be in other ways, and it starts to weigh heavily on my conscience. One day I'll have to give it up, or at least severely cut back. Sigh...

@IFTNFS: Well...not this governments.

@cesariojpn: Good point. I'm not a huge fan of him for those exact reasons. Dickwhore or not people actually buy that stuff though.

+1. no, +30000000 to Feet on the Dashboard. My thoughts exactly.

@cesariojpn: Hey, once you stop racing, you gotta keep making money, and he knew exactly how.

@Darkest Daze: AoE had this as a setting. It got used sometimes, but it quickly becomes a hindrance. For beginner games it is great though, but without that trial by fire you dont learn from mistakes or learn to get faster. You miss out on learning early rush strategies as well.