
I dated that girl once. Crazy as a bat.

Laying down is how you got in that position.

It's definitely one of those things that is at least worth trying.

I like how monster hunter does it too. You still get physical cues that they are weak, but past there you really could beat a horse to death.

The book goes into how, given what it would take to live at the ocean depths he does, Aquaman could punch a hole through Superman. It's been a while since I read it, so I can't cite anything else specifically. It's a good book though: []

I use to think he was useless, but after reading The Physics of Superheros, I have a whole new perspective.

My ex-wife? *ba-dum psh*

He really just has to Understand.

Big thanks for the links. I'm definitely doing this.

Best first day of work ever. "Hey come hold this mother while I pour off the liquid." "JESUS CHRIST FUCK NO I SAW INDEPENDENCE DAY."

Holy crap what an awesome idea. I even have the Rotisserie (which is quite nice in it's own right).

I thrust myself upon my servants sword?

I'm just going to agree with your name, and leave it at that.

I'm not trying to pick a fight here, but I will offer my professional input as a Sommelier. This is a very common argument, and I will admit a sore point for me. It is true that most people can not tell the difference in a bottle of wine after certain points. This is why I recommend most people never spend more than

I love my Focus. It's got its faults, and the acceleration leaves something to be desired, but it's a damn fun go-kart feeling.

You have my vote as well, for both cases.

I just got back from seeing it, and was thoroughly impressed...with the plot. Character development really was quick, but it also worked. You met people, got to know them, and then they died with a twinge of emotion. I was impressed. Every detail (almost) that I wanted was there, and it seamlessly made a great

Still seems to be.


Thank you for that. Saves me about 3 hours of wikipedia digging. It is horribly stupid though, especially when you go into future and past time lines, and shit really starts to contradict.