
I like the Ben Folds reference.

"Yes grandchildren, I too remember the recession."

Garlic press. I can chop garlic with a knife all day, but it's just so much nicer to squeeze and be done with it.

*Yet another person disappointed by it not being that Lost Vikings.*

@mr_mr: Amen brother.


So I wonder if this could lead to code being free'd up for MMOs that dont have support anymore. Say ones that no one can play because there aren't any servers, or ways to emulate the server. I guess the dongle clause (hah) up there could be a grey area for it, but thats a big _could_.

@MazdaMania: Although not legitimate, a ripped/pirated copy (of AoEII: Conq ) is usually self contained. No install necessary. Just keep the folder (looks like a direct rip of what would be installed in the program files directory) on the drive. Hit up the exe, and away you go. Works fine on 7 last time I used it.

Age of Empires II is probably one of my most played games of all time. Even now I carry it on my flash drive for when I need to kill time.


@HardRuisu: True. Kinda weirds me out still. Its like "you got peanut butter in my chocolate."

I...don't like this. Tekken and Street Fighter play differently, so It's hard for me to imagine Tekkens fluid movements and Street Fighters dragon ball z esque fighting.

@PDQ2: Honestly, part of my car love comes from that show. So I'll second this.

@hawkeye18: I just noticed that before I read your reply. I feel like an idiot lol

@indy360: Sadly people aren't as chill as you and I.

@Spaceknight: I wish I could promote you. That's exactly what I was thinking.