
Speaking of comprehension skills - his train of thought wasn't that hard to follow. He starts reading the sentence "may contain graphic content" and then he pauses for a joke: "oh, hey, Miley Cyrus is in it," and then he demurs to "no, that's a joke," and then he continues reading.

The rule is not "begins with a consonant" but "begins with a consonant sound." If one pronounces "FAQ" as "eff A kyoo," then the pronunciation starts with a vowel sound.

I'm not really arguing a point. Dictionaries offer both "pronunciations" as valid. I've just never heard anyone pronounce "FAQ" as a single word. Looking it up (FAQ on Wikipedia), it appears as though the single-letter pronunciation is maybe more prevalent, but there is obviously a significant group of people that

You are, of course, welcome to continue pronouncing it however, but I'd feel a little foolish changing my pronunciation just to shorten something. And is "GameFAQs" really the only touchpoint people have for FAQ? That seems strange. I've never heard anyone pronounce the word "GameFAQs" at all, for that matter.

I'm actually baffled to hear that there are people who treat "FAQ" as a word and not a series of letters. Or perhaps, more appropriately, I'm baffled to hear that there are a large number of people who treat it as such.

Only if it addresses the clear biscuit/pancakes schism.

Nope, you can, I'm just an idiot. Carry on, nothing to see here.

Ugh, but I can't be lazy and just get there from the drop-down menu. Be a proper enabler, will you?

Deadspin? Ok. Foodspin? This needs to be its own blog. Consistently grade-A, easily the best part of the site.

The video just showed an attack hitting two times. Just from watching, it looks like the baby just duplicates (and maybe only at a fraction of the power) the base attack.

It wouldn't be fair, though. No one would be able to touch you.

Krillin's better at exploding, to be fair.

Hi, Floridian here. What were you saying?

Political discourse in these United States, ladies and gentlemen!

So he kills him with an arrow to the knee? Really?

The leveling system is predicated on an (inexplicable) inverse to normal level progression, which is its biggest problem. It "costs" so much more to level at early levels than it does at later levels while still offering the same diminishing returns (stats-wise) as most leveling systems.

I'm always a little surprised that people treat "balance" like it's weighing two groups of items on opposite ends of a scale. "Balance" in stories like this almost always = harmony or equilibrium. Bad guys in anything are a source of imbalance - they're disruptive.

You realize that they're talking about Babylon 5, not Battlestar Galactica, right? You win this game of sarcasm chicken if you do - I was sarcastically pointing out that you ID'd the wrong series.

Yeah, I feel the same way. Bablyon 5 really went downhill after they replaced Jadzia Dax with Ezri.

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You're a funny guy. Here's a clip of the White Ranger as part of the season 2 intro: