
Keep digging, dude. If your final rebuttal is "the White Ranger wasn't part of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers," then you're pretty far dug.

Probably pretty close. Did you imagine the pushing-the-glasses-up-on-the-nose, too?

You don't understand. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers is one show that lasted three seasons, and that show had a White Ranger and a Green Ranger that were the same person.

No, it's not. It's the same character.

I'm not saying that I'd object to tipping at a take-out counter of a sit-down restaurant, but in addition to describing your friend's job, you just described the job of a cashier at a drive-through fast food restaurant.

I can certainly see your point about the divorce between primary systems and subsystems (minigames) in this regard. It may be telling (and, as I said earlier, indicative of two different play-styles) that one of the things I most enjoy about the genre is the variance in systems present in the games (e.g. stats/skills

Final Fantasy X is easily my favorite of the series, but every once in a while I'll cop to Lost Odyssey being my favorite Final Fantasy game. It's a great spiritual successor done by a lot of the same people.

I can see why you might think that, and I agree that the decision to make them optional meant that they knew there would be people who took your approach to the game.

That's not crazy, or at least he's not alone. I got a 360 just for this and FF13. I've enjoyed a couple other games besides this one, but if I could have gotten this on a PC (or on the Wii), I would've skipped the console.

The short stories worked well not only because they were good stories, but because the content of the stories reinforced the mechanic of the stories - they forced you to slow down.

I do something similar, although I usually just raise my voice and holler something indistinct. I suspect they test for volume levels as well as ability to discern what the caller is saying (which is probably why the article recommends yelling "agent"), and having a good yell to the computer before it gets you really

I've lived in Florida for years (and in several different places in the state), and it always surprises me when people say that our tap water tastes odd. Tap water from out-of-state tastes a little more acidic, but by-and-large, still tastes like water, as does FL tap water.

Have you ever tried peanut butter and raisin? I'm sure it sounds awful, but they go together really well. Alternatively, if you're not a huge raisin fan, you could go with some other dried fruit (cranberries work well too).

"But oftimes better than master of one."

It's not something you do out of kindness, not generally. I've had games get to a point where it is genuinely more fun to create content for them than it is to play the actual game (and it's not because of some deprecation of fun on the game's part). To spend this much time on something, it has to be something you

Pick up a copy on Amazon of Freelancer. You'll find it for like $15 - I only just played it a few years ago (so it was already long in the tooth then), and I can affirm that it's not just nostalgia that makes it a good game.

Everyone loves the finale (and it was pretty great), but the intro action sequence is what really sells the movie for me. "How are they going to get out of this one?" you wonder, and then it's all like "Oh, turns out Luke gained a level or two."

Pretty sure that's Black Cat's costume:

So we're calling it the Chuck?